Saturday, May 1, 2010

Trauma Centre

I learnt through experience that porcelain pot from the fridge must not be put on to the stove.

Yesterday I wanted to drink some soup, so I followed my mom's instructions and took the soup out from the fridge to heat on the stove. The thing is, hungry people never really have enough glucose in their brain to think about science; the porcelain pot exploded after 10minutes.

Hot fiery chips of porcelain flew across the kitchen. And the contents of the pot spilled all over the floors and the stove-table. But lucky for me, I wasn't in the kitchen. I was in the living room SMS-ing Dorna. (Alhamdulillah! Hallelujah! Amitabah!)

After the explosion I felt so lost and shocked that I cried. I called my dad and told him what happened and he said, "HUH? HAHAAA!!! Aiyah, so cold you go and put on the stove! Hahahahaaa! Nevermind laah! I go find a replacement now." I cleared the mess, wrapped the pot and it's shattered pieces in newspaper and waited for my dad. He came home, checked, replaced the pot, and fetched me to the gym. :D

And I end up laughing at myself like how my dad laughed at me on the phone.


Met Maddie last night! (Like finally.) Ate Indo food and played L4D!! :D

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