Saturday, May 22, 2010

We Are Half-Blind.

While our physical vision might be perfect, our heart's vision might be really blurry.

We only have a pair of eyes to see.
These two miniature windows to our soul are way too small and narrow to allow us to see and understand the entire universe. Actually it is too small and narrow to allow us to see our immediate world clearly!

No matter how observant or how clever, sometimes we tend to miss things out. We end up judging a book by a page or a paragraph. In other words, we are just judging a person by 5mins of his actions.

5 mins, compared to an entire lifetime is really a small percentage.

Well, it might sound really disappointing to people, but you can't judge me from what I type on my blog. I try to spread love, & that's my whole hearted intention. But there are times when my emotions drift me off track and I end up spreading hate instead. But that doesn't make all my post half hearted, it just means that I am not perfect.

Same for the people who do hate on me. Yes, of course I don't like it. Who enjoys being hated on? But judging that person just because he hates on me is not fair. He might hate me, but he has his good side too. It's just that I don't see it and I don't understand him well enough! (Haha, I actually have someone on mind while typing this.)

So to all haters out there,
How well do you understand your victim?
And to all the victims out there,
How well do you understand your hater?

"Every moment of anger and sorrow is a moment of happiness you steal from yourself." - Dorna Kash


PS: I decided that forgive should really be my mantra! And I shouldn't cuss because that only spreads hate. Lets see how long I will survive like this.

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