Monday, May 3, 2010

My Lady Garden and I

In a few weeks time, my earthly body is going to turn 16 (or 17, whichever way you look at it). I, of course, am eternal. (: And in celebration of this weird body I have, I'd like to post about Hair.

As mammals, hair is all over our body. Hair was there for a purpose - keeping us warm, protecting our dearly parts from getting infected, etc. We are made hairy by nature and we were human gorillas until somebody decided that Hairless was Cool. (Uh, well.. Except for the head.)

Thus, the Anti-Hair industry popped up with all the Lasers, Chemicals and Potions of all sorts. :/

Hair is a beauty in nature. It is God made and God given. If God put hair on your legs, isn't that the perfect place for it to be? Or maybe we are just like gardeners, tending to a garden. Gardeners don't let their plants grow anywhere, anyhow; they trim and cultivate their plants to adhere to a certain vision. Maybe we are just trimming our garden.

Humans, in many ways are control freaks. We go against nature in many ways. From the permanent removal or hair, to the speeding up the growth of crops up to 6 times. We are rebellious.

Does our fixation on body hair represent some level of collective insanity? Does it represent an unquenchable desire to control our environment and every aspect therein?

Just some food for thought.

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