Sunday, May 9, 2010


I think my mom is starting to suspect that I am gay. And I don't think she is accepting it.

Mom: Why you put a badge saying "Nobody knows that I'm gay"? Are you telling people you are gay?

She popped the question yesterday and I believe, from the number of times I've left my pencil case downstairs, it's not the first time she realised. She just simply didn't want to ask because she was afraid to find out.

She spoke to me about dressing like a guy. She spoke to me about how she didn't like it and that made it very awkward for me when we are out shopping together.

It's gonna be very hard for her if she knows the truth.

She is gonna try to talk me out of it like how she tried to talk my out of music for the past many years. But now, she sorta gave in. or maybe she is just using it as a reason for me to study hard for my O'levels since it is the only thing that encourages me.

She'll probably send me for counselling of some sort. :/
But you and I both know that we can pretend,
But we can never hide who we really are.

God never makes mistakes.
“When you walk out on the street you have to face the cold hard facts, the world, and the way people look at’s hard. Home is supposed to be the safe place where you can go to for warmth and love, and at the end of the day it’s good to know that there’s somebody you can go home to, who doesn’t judge you, who loves you for who you are.”
- Jamie Yee

Jamie Yee (Centre) and her family.
Jamie was born as a male and this is her post gender operation photo. Her mother almost committed suicide and her father had a difficult time getting over the thoughts night after night..

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