Thursday, April 29, 2010


We constantly grumble about our parents.
Only occasionally we remember the need to be loving and thankful to them.

We complain about them to our friends and on our blogs. We think that they are talking nonsense when they are advising us. We feel numb to their nags and scoldings and feel that they are just an addition to the noise pollution in our homes. We say things like, "They don't understand me!" or "It's MY life!" When we understand even less about them and they brought us into this world.

I am guilty of that too.

Why do they bother to scold us? Why do they want to give us the best in hope that we produce the best that we can? Why do they want to have a say in the decisions of our life?

Because because, my friends.....
They see themselves in us. They love us as they love themselves and thats why they do not want us to fall into the same traps as they did when they were younger. They want us to do better than them and they are proud when we are in great positions. To them, our winnings and achievements are no different from theirs. WE ARE THEIR CHANCE OF BEING YOUNG AGAIN.

Always to help,
Never to harm.
Always to love,
It's just that we couldn't see.

Just like how much I want my choir to be better and more powerful even when I am not in it anymore. (:


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