Monday, May 31, 2010

Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love

What's wrong with the world mama?
People living like aint got no mamas
I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin
In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate

Yeah madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all

People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?

Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blown away.

Quizzes on Facebook just became scarier...
This thing actually describes me!

Dear Alexavier Jt Xiuwen, based on your test result: You are generally a calm person. You get excited when your favorite band is in town, when you are going on a date with your partner or when you and your friends are dancing. Your friends mean everything to you. You hate it when the summer is over.

You like art, and some poetry. You can throw a party, or help a friend put one together. You usually have no trouble finding dates, but you occasionally hit a dry spell. You like the outdoors, usually, and rainy weather doesn't bother you. You sometimes get jealous of people who are smarter or better looking than you, but you wouldn't hold it against them if you got to know them.

Here is the analysis: -
웃 : You are on good terms with your parents,
웃 : even though they annoy you once in a while.
웃 : People tend to think you are reliable and trustworthy.
웃 : You like animals.


"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

-Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)
One for your enemy, and one for yourself.


Talk less, think more.

Thoughts that are unforgiving should be erased.
Words that have not been thought through shouldn't be spoken.
Actions that are hateful should not be done.

All these,
not because the world judges me.
But because we can make a better place if we had a little more respect.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


When we read about keys to happiness, we get all the different perspective of happiness. Some point towards material achievement like lust and money, some think that it is the inner fulfillment within our soul. And some even think that the key to happiness is when our expectations meets with reality. That's a key to an auto-lock... How long can our expectation meet with reality when we constantly increase the expectations?

So with so many possible keys to happiness,
That can only mean one thing...
There are as many locks to happiness.
And EACH lock if self-made.

Why lock up happiness when it is free flow? (:

To forget... bliss

pH 7 Or Neutral

You would expect this post to be about water but sadly, it is not. Haha!

Borders across countries are created by humans. The Earth is actually united as a whole... So is the Universe.

And Humans are animals that shouldn't be classified.. Because even a dog can be more human than some humans on earth.

We are different on the outside but all the same on the inside.

I am no human.
I am the sun, the sea and the light.
I am the one you love and the one you hate.
I am the beast that lurks in the dark.
I am the angel that you don't see.
I am....
Just another part of The Universe.

Have a peaceful holiday.
No hate no war.

Sometimes, I wished I was a kid again....
Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.

I'm done trying. If you want me in your life, let me know.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Truth or Dare

Eyes are not made for speech but it is really amazing how much it can say about it's owner. Having the ability to read eyes means you are almost psychic! A pair of eyes shows emotions that cannot be hidden. Even the best liars leave traces of evidence with regards to his emotions or flow of thoughts.

Whether in love, agony, sorrow or anger, eyes function like windows - when your soul looks out of them they see the outside world, and when the people outside look into them they see your soul. And this window can be Full-Length if you are able to infer correctly.

Even the words that do not exist could be spoken.
There is no limits to how much a pair of eyes can say.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Secrets To Share

I have been holding on to these secrets for awhile and now I think it's okay to throw them out! There aren't many. I am treating this as a 'did you know' post about me and it is just for your entertainment. So don't take it too hard!

  1. I hate it when people say, "Sigh, if you were a guy, I would date you." (Honestly, why does it ever matter?!?!)
  2. The only reason why I don't want and don't intend to go for sex change is that I still look at myself as a female.
  3. After all the blah blah blah over ang mo girls, I secretly still prefer Chinese girls. But ang mo lesbian easier to find.
  4. Inner beauty, sense of confidence and knowledge are big turn ons for me.
  5. I can't tell if a person is hot or not by looks. I guess that is a sense of judgement I never picked up and it is a good thing.



On Earth, everyday is judgement day.

*No link to previous sentence* I am gonna change my blog layout soon. It's getting a little boring.

& Forgive!

Some laughs

Can't stop laughing when I saw this. It was by a bra company (yes that explains the dressing)! I don't think anyone can perform CPR after this video. It is purely for entertainment purposes only. After all, you would end up laughing at the expression of the girl in white and all the bimbotic moments of her attempt.

That's why we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously all the time!

Share The Earth

I was watching Animal Planet the other day and they were talking about deforestation and it's shocking rate. It is no new fact to me. I am a geography student and I learn the reasons behind deforestation. However, I always thought to myself, "What would a person managing the logging company say if he was interviewed?" In geog classes we only learn the basic 'duh-duh' reasons and the harmful effects of deforestation but not much of the mindset of the people behind it. Today, I got my answer.

Although I felt in my heart long ago that deforestation, mining and other industries that make use of large amounts of natural resources are really stupid, selfish and suicidal, I couldn't really say much as I didn't know what were their views. But now that I've listened to what they have to say, I can honestly say that I still feel that they are stupid and selfish. As for suicidal, they don't have the intention to kill themselves, but they are definitely digging a grave for planet earth!

These are some of their point of views and my reaction to them:
(Note these are all about deforestation)

"Brazil has so much land! If we can use it all to benefit the economy of Brazil and give people a better life, why not?"
Hey buddy, ever heard of sharing? Just because you live on that piece of big land doesn't mean that you have to use every single bit of land! Selfish! Selfish in the sense that you don't want to share space and selfish in the sense that you only want to benefit your own people when the land once belonged to other animals as well.

"Green peace (An environment group) is financed by another country. It's motive is most probably to make up warnings about the environment so that we will stop our production and that will give other countries opportunity to take over."
Scientifically proven, my boy... SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN. Even I can feel the effects of global warming. The dollar signs in your eyes are blinding you.

So the next time you see an insect or a mice or any other living thing that is not in the form of a human, do not kill them. They have nowhere else to live and nowhere else to go. Accept them, share the earth with them.

Our world is driven by money and this economic cycle is so strong that it is like a black hole that all of us are pulled into and all unable to withdraw. Who is to blame for global warming and all the things that are happening on earth due to human activity? The answer, I'm afraid, is us.

How? No one has a clue.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Only Humans Left.

If humans were meant to be of higher knowledge and are appointed to be the humble messengers of God and has unbreakable bonds with The Universe, superior above all other animals on Earth........

I am afraid there are not many real humans left.
Humans are an endangered species.

Contents of me.

To realise that all life forms are made of...
Air - Breath
Water - Blood and other substances
Fire - Warmth and temperature
Mud - Skin etc.
...Seems like a revelation.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This is pretty much a continuation of my last post.
Today I want to tell you all something that is obvious and yet many a times, we are oblivious at. And it's gonna be a long post, so bear with me.

Life is fragile.

But then again, life is fragile on it's own but not as a whole. New life is born to replace the ones that are gone almost immediately.

This is a very low definition and simple picture of life. You and I both know that, when someone is gone, things ain't that simple. People shut down, people feel sad, people feel regret or lost. Tell them that while the death of their close ones happen there would be a birth of a new life? I doubt that would make things better for them.

Life is fragile and that's almost a fact. Some don't even have time to complete their last prayers before they go. And some, force themselves to go because they don't feel their worth on this earth.

How is this linked to the last post?

Love one another.
Cherish every creation and choose to see the good in them. Simply because there would be no one like them after they are gone and they might never see you again if you leave first.

Everything is uncertain.



One Another.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Tell your friends and people around you that they are important to you!! :D
Give up a seat on the bus without hesitation!
Smile at random people!
Listen and understand!
And don't forget to leave some happiness for yourself too!!

:D :D :D
Lets all be happy together!
(Yes I sound like a goon!)


We Are Half-Blind.

While our physical vision might be perfect, our heart's vision might be really blurry.

We only have a pair of eyes to see.
These two miniature windows to our soul are way too small and narrow to allow us to see and understand the entire universe. Actually it is too small and narrow to allow us to see our immediate world clearly!

No matter how observant or how clever, sometimes we tend to miss things out. We end up judging a book by a page or a paragraph. In other words, we are just judging a person by 5mins of his actions.

5 mins, compared to an entire lifetime is really a small percentage.

Well, it might sound really disappointing to people, but you can't judge me from what I type on my blog. I try to spread love, & that's my whole hearted intention. But there are times when my emotions drift me off track and I end up spreading hate instead. But that doesn't make all my post half hearted, it just means that I am not perfect.

Same for the people who do hate on me. Yes, of course I don't like it. Who enjoys being hated on? But judging that person just because he hates on me is not fair. He might hate me, but he has his good side too. It's just that I don't see it and I don't understand him well enough! (Haha, I actually have someone on mind while typing this.)

So to all haters out there,
How well do you understand your victim?
And to all the victims out there,
How well do you understand your hater?

"Every moment of anger and sorrow is a moment of happiness you steal from yourself." - Dorna Kash


PS: I decided that forgive should really be my mantra! And I shouldn't cuss because that only spreads hate. Lets see how long I will survive like this.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Knowing that I no longer have the rights to sing Taylor Swift's Fifteen anymore, I knew it was time to move on to something more hardcore.... Something like NC16 movies.. and underage club events.

Birthday bashed seriously a violent way to spread love. It's fun, but you can't deny the fact that people do get hurt in events like this.

Mine was pretty safe.... A whipped cream bash. I think the only thing that got hurt really bad was the cream itself and not me. :X But some people overdo things like this.

People, please spread love, not pain.
Next time, have birthday sex instead of birthday bashes...
But make sure it's safe! :X

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Love The World.

It's on my msn.
It's want I wished I could do.
It's gonna make me s happier person.

But it is really hard.

After living for a good 16 years (rounded off), I have realised that this world is really hard to love. There are thieves, cheaters, haters, gossip mongers, betrayals, bullies, etc. How do you really love the world?

1st is to accept all of them.
2nd is to not get angry.
3rd is to not hate them for what they do to others.
4th is not to get hate them for what they do to YOU.

And since you have succeeded in all of the above, you have no reasons to cuss and call them 'bitches', 'whores', 'idiots', 'sluts' etc.

To forgive others is to forgive yourself.
But this is really difficult in times of hurt and anger. To stop anger before it starts is as hard as rolling a tear back into your eyes. How many will have the ability to do so?

But it's worth a try.

Friday, May 14, 2010


The unpeace looms around me
like an aura I can never break free from.

These few days there have been a lot of thoughs running in me.
I feel broken for no reason. I feel sad because there is so much hate, I feel that the world is not the way it was made. Then I realised, we are all one, and thats why I am affected.

Call me a jungle woman for all you want because I hate shaving any part of me hairless! e.g. legs, hands, or even down there! I do shave, but not hairless.

Speak of nature.
God gave us everything for a reason, pimples, acne, hairs, old age, diseases, gayness etc. And he makes no mistakes. So if it is there, it is there for a reason! Why shun it? Why not live life and experience all stages of it in awe and excitement instead of lifting up one stage and shunning the rest? Why not stop touching or doing anything to the pimples on your face and leave it to heal on nature's will? Why not leave your body hair the way you like it instead of following some mob fashion trend?

I don't know.
Actually come to think of it at a different point of view, humans might be the stupidest animals on Earth.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I think my mom is starting to suspect that I am gay. And I don't think she is accepting it.

Mom: Why you put a badge saying "Nobody knows that I'm gay"? Are you telling people you are gay?

She popped the question yesterday and I believe, from the number of times I've left my pencil case downstairs, it's not the first time she realised. She just simply didn't want to ask because she was afraid to find out.

She spoke to me about dressing like a guy. She spoke to me about how she didn't like it and that made it very awkward for me when we are out shopping together.

It's gonna be very hard for her if she knows the truth.

She is gonna try to talk me out of it like how she tried to talk my out of music for the past many years. But now, she sorta gave in. or maybe she is just using it as a reason for me to study hard for my O'levels since it is the only thing that encourages me.

She'll probably send me for counselling of some sort. :/
But you and I both know that we can pretend,
But we can never hide who we really are.

God never makes mistakes.
“When you walk out on the street you have to face the cold hard facts, the world, and the way people look at’s hard. Home is supposed to be the safe place where you can go to for warmth and love, and at the end of the day it’s good to know that there’s somebody you can go home to, who doesn’t judge you, who loves you for who you are.”
- Jamie Yee

Jamie Yee (Centre) and her family.
Jamie was born as a male and this is her post gender operation photo. Her mother almost committed suicide and her father had a difficult time getting over the thoughts night after night..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Loacker and Beer.

My dad's such a pig.
He finished all the wine in the house!!!!

But it's okay, we have an endless supply of beer:
My recipe back to obesity.
Stupid beer.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Why of all images I can put as a part of my banner at the top of my blog I chose to put a candle?

People view my blog and tell me, "The candle makes your blog look... err.. holy.", "The Pain Killer, then got candle at the background! No link siol. Put some emo kid or some scary Gothic thing better!"

Today, after having my blog on for long enough (and bearing the comments made for long enough) I will tell you what exactly does the candle symbolize.

  1. Enlightenment. - The spiritual light bulb.
  2. Light. - Killing all the darkness that blinds us.
  3. Peace. - The flame is calm. Even fire can be peaceful.
  4. Warmth. - A kind of love and also a need for our bodies.
  5. Energy. - Heat, that's what drives molecules to move.
  6. Presence. - Nothing stays warm forever, a place with no warmth is most likely abandoned.
  7. The Universe. - Because everything is a part of it.


Two things I crave for at this moment as the evening sun shines into my room.

1. The Universe.
2. Koi.

These craves and desires are actually wants and not needs. But what's life without your wants? Today I made a random decision:

After our papers, we heard news about the upcoming June holidays Science Study Camp. So we have papers being passed down the row. One of the forms was one that requires us to tick our food choice - vegetarian or halal.

I was expecting to see 1 entire row of ticks on the halal side but I was surprised when I saw 2 ticks on the vegetarian side. And that made me wonder if they ticked it wrong or not. So I concluded with the 2 possibilities that either they wanted to save the earth be generating less CO2 and be kind souls to animals, or they made a mistake.

So that made me think, why kill animals when you are given a choice not to kill?

Imagine this, every decision you make holds an impact. No matter how small that decision is, the universe is big enough to amplify it. Just a tick on the paper is a life that you choose to kill. I am not telling all of you to become vegetarians. Even I'm not one! It's hard really. But we can choose to be different and make better decisions for ourselves.

So I ticked the vegetarian column and passed the form down.

Just a pebble in the water
Can set the sea in motion
A simple act of kindness
Can stir the widest ocean
If we show a little love
Have we know what we could change
So throw a pebble in the water and
Make a wave
Make a wave

- Make A Wave

PS: I later on learnt that they took the vegetarian column by mistake. XD

Monday, May 3, 2010

The moments you wanna laugh at yourself.

Moment #1:
I was 11 going 12 and this was how my ex tried to hint me, but failed.

Ex: Hey, you know... I wanna live with you when we grow up..
Me: OKAY! Then can ask my cousin and my best friend to move in too!!
Ex: ...... Hmm, but me and you alone better.
Me: Whyyy?! So boring.
Ex: Nevermind.

Moment #2:
*Porcelain pot explodes in the kitchen*

Me: *Cries and frantically calls dad*
Dad: Hello?
Me: Dad! I cook halfway the pot explode!

Moment #3:
Teacher: *Scold scold nag nag*
Me: *Sighing in my heart*
Background: *Fart sound*
Me: * Holds back laughter*
Teacher: *Still nagging*
Me: Eh, haha, cher.. hah.. but horr.. *continues to giggle*
Teacher: Yes?
Me: Nahh, nothing.

This is.....

10% Luck
20% Skills
15% Concentrated Power of Will
5% Pleasure
50% Pain

And A 100% Reason To Remember The Name.

The When-You-Meet-Again Theory.

Don't deny: Some songs that are played on the radio reminds you of a certain Ex that meant a lot to you.

Sometimes it feels like, although you and your ex has broken up for 3 years, that bond is never entirely broken. When you look back in time, it is so real that you could remember the exact love you felt at that moment.

And thats where the When-You-Meet-Again theory comes in.

Because you are so close before, and you have been through thick and thin, it's easy to rekindle that bond and spark something up. I kinda believe in this theory because I have never forgotten anything about my ex-es. Even if he broken up with me for a good 3-4 years already and she broke up with me for almost a year now and another she broke up with me for 3 months back, I still remember every individual and the special things about them. What they like, their hand writing, likes and dislikes, etc. I also remember all the times we spent so vividly.

A friend of mine asked me just two days ago about what I did with my ex for our first year anniversary and I remembered everything. Even the things we ate. Its weird how I can seem to remember all these and yet have difficulties with my Qualitative Analysis for Chemistry. But thats just how the human mind works.

So ten years down the road, if you see your ex....... Be careful, you won't wanna make the same mistake again. :X

My life only consist of 3 main relationships. (For now)
The rest are dates. (:

My Lady Garden and I

In a few weeks time, my earthly body is going to turn 16 (or 17, whichever way you look at it). I, of course, am eternal. (: And in celebration of this weird body I have, I'd like to post about Hair.

As mammals, hair is all over our body. Hair was there for a purpose - keeping us warm, protecting our dearly parts from getting infected, etc. We are made hairy by nature and we were human gorillas until somebody decided that Hairless was Cool. (Uh, well.. Except for the head.)

Thus, the Anti-Hair industry popped up with all the Lasers, Chemicals and Potions of all sorts. :/

Hair is a beauty in nature. It is God made and God given. If God put hair on your legs, isn't that the perfect place for it to be? Or maybe we are just like gardeners, tending to a garden. Gardeners don't let their plants grow anywhere, anyhow; they trim and cultivate their plants to adhere to a certain vision. Maybe we are just trimming our garden.

Humans, in many ways are control freaks. We go against nature in many ways. From the permanent removal or hair, to the speeding up the growth of crops up to 6 times. We are rebellious.

Does our fixation on body hair represent some level of collective insanity? Does it represent an unquenchable desire to control our environment and every aspect therein?

Just some food for thought.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear Bloggers.

Having a blog is like putting up pages of your diary on a noticeboard viewable to anyone and everyone. What you post and how you post says EVERYTHING about the inner you. So be responsible (and careful) about what you post please? :D

Just a reminder.

It's enough to drive you crazy, if you let it.

People find it odd that I get up at 6.30am or 7am on weekends...


2 And A Half Women.

Dorna K.

Indah Kim

Indah + Dorna + Tang

We might not be the biggest clique in the school, but when it comes to volume & artsy-ness.... Try hanging with us for a day and you will see. (: We don't go to school everyday trying so hard to be cool, in fact we don't give a hoot whether you like us or not. We will just be us! :D

That's why they don't mind hanging out with the school's only un-closeted lesbian, That's why we sing and dance all day long, That's why we laugh and get happy over anything under the sun, That's why we are loud even when jealous people try to 'SHH' us!

& That's why I love us.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pour My Heart Out.

"Please lorh! The one reason you are single now is because you never make a move! Go jio someone, I bet you, after less than 3 tries, you are attached!"

Hmm.. Yeah, I don't want to walk this earth if I gotta do it solo, but I am not the kind who does the asking! :/ My friend told me it is an ego thing, but honestly, I think all the people that I like are straight and all the people that like me are the ones I would never guess and will never take notice of. Stupid.

Up till now, I am okay being single. In fact, I have a tiny phobia of getting into a relationship. :/ I used to accept anybody who asked me out but then I realised that that is no different from letting any Jane, Marry or Ashley to break your heart. (Those are not my ex-girlfriends' names.) So now I think twice about everything. :/

Now I have no one in mind, but I do have a blurry list of people who like me. I don't take likes seriously as they are just rumors. If the person tells me straight to my face, only then something will happen.

Yeah, I guess my friend is right, nothings gonna happen if I don't make a move. :/ Haha! But I don't need the move, I am happy the way I am.

That love thing, it's just a bonus.

I Am That Change.

"Be the change you want to see in this world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Knowledge about life and the universe is why I don't usually take myself too seriously and live an insane life. (:

It all comes about in a circle, what actually matters does not matter! What is actually right is wrong! What is me can be you! What is hate can be love! It's just a matter of which point you view things at! Remember, the universe is one and nothing gets separated.

We are just like the molecules of a liquid, all moving around and sliding pass each other, living our own lives. But what most of us don't see is, we are all one.

Haha, I can't be bothered to elaborate lah.
Instead I got a video for you guys!
9 to 5! From my favourite movie,
The Love Guru.


I used to type like this:
"harloo! hw r u nw? tday weather ish soo hot!"

I used to think cat-burglars stole cats.

I used to think that gangsters are cool.

I used to think that life on earth is everlasting.

I used to think that friends last forever.

I used to not see many things that I now see.

All these thoughts changed as I grew. How? I don't even remember. I guess we are so often affected by our surroundings that we are unconsciously influenced by it.


Trauma Centre

I learnt through experience that porcelain pot from the fridge must not be put on to the stove.

Yesterday I wanted to drink some soup, so I followed my mom's instructions and took the soup out from the fridge to heat on the stove. The thing is, hungry people never really have enough glucose in their brain to think about science; the porcelain pot exploded after 10minutes.

Hot fiery chips of porcelain flew across the kitchen. And the contents of the pot spilled all over the floors and the stove-table. But lucky for me, I wasn't in the kitchen. I was in the living room SMS-ing Dorna. (Alhamdulillah! Hallelujah! Amitabah!)

After the explosion I felt so lost and shocked that I cried. I called my dad and told him what happened and he said, "HUH? HAHAAA!!! Aiyah, so cold you go and put on the stove! Hahahahaaa! Nevermind laah! I go find a replacement now." I cleared the mess, wrapped the pot and it's shattered pieces in newspaper and waited for my dad. He came home, checked, replaced the pot, and fetched me to the gym. :D

And I end up laughing at myself like how my dad laughed at me on the phone.


Met Maddie last night! (Like finally.) Ate Indo food and played L4D!! :D