Saturday, April 3, 2010

Remember My Name

I feel fat.
But I don't seem to have the time for exercise.
Okay, lets just say I am PLAIN LAZY.

And I put comfort, sleep and work as priority instead of health.
Which is stupid.

Hmm, y'know, the funny thing about blogging is that it helps you get a hold of your thoughts (at least for me I guess) it helps me to reflect on myself and, in the process of typing, think of a solution for the problem. (:

I do not believe in moaning over a problem for long.
Haha, in fact, I don't wish to believe in anything that makes me sad for long. LOL!
Emotions are just as important as health is.
And emotions are easier to control than health. :D
So smile!

And to those who think that your life is pathetic and oh-so-miserable,
I am sorry to say this, but you choose to do so.
Emotions are self-created and self-destructive.
Nothing can pull you into the deep depths of sorrow unless you allow it to.

There are many MANY people out there who live lives worse than yours.
Yet THEY are happier than you.
That proves it all. Period. (:

"Dude, not to make you feel more of a failure in life than you already do, but even the kid who has money problems but still has to go to the hospital on a daily basis after school for kidney dialysis is happier than you."

Dorna Kash knows exactly what I'm talking about. (;

There is an emo epidemic infecting the globe as I type this.
People are comparing who's life is more pathetic in order to win pity.


Dear God,
I am not pleading you to help them neither am I asking you to stop Satan from affecting them. Because I know, you have done your best and only they can help themselves. The food is served on the table but if they do not have it, they would still be hungry.

There is an emotion known as happiness and bliss in every one of us. God put it in us. But if we choose to hide that emotion and only focus on the negative ones, we will remain sad. We choose starve ourself of happiness and bliss... What under the heavens would be a good enough reason for that? :/

This post is not targeted at anyone.
But if you do feel that this problem is affecting you,
Slap yourself awake and fight it.

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