Friday, April 23, 2010

Pessimism Is Holding You Back.

Pessimism is a fear.
Pessimism is the devils way of pulling us down.
Pessimism means half your mind and heart has already given up.
Pessimism means your imagery or the road to success is broken.

When we fail and are in the deep abyss of suffering, the most important thing is to learn to stand up and be optimistic. Think things like, "Let's try again." or "Failure is the key to success." then we will have the strength to continue the journey to success. Once we start to think things like, "I am a failure." or "I have lost everything, it is impossible to restart from scratch." or worse "I am just not made for this." Then half of you or the whole of you has already given up.

Strength is within us, We don't know how much potential we have until we push ourselves to the till the limits.

People who are in their downtime have NO RIGHTS to pessimism.

"If you expect the rain, don't be surprised when you're struck by lightning." - Damien Cannon

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