Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Wish

Many feel that a wish is usually more of a need than a want. But why do wants satisfy your inner souls better than needs?

You need food, air and water to survive. But if I enclose you in a cell and give you all your needs and ignore your wants, you will be miserable, wouldn't you?

Wishes satisfy our inner soul. Satisfaction in our inner souls give us bliss, happiness and a sense of fulfillment. People classify things that are not in our 'needs list' as a want and is therefore not important. But if you look are life as a whole, happiness, bliss and fulfillment is really a Need.

On the 29th April 1980 Make-A-Wish Foundation granted it's first wish to a 7 year old boy, Christopher James Greicius, who was suffering from leukemia. Chris' wish was to be a policeman for a day and his wish was granted thanks to the donation and support from the people.

Through the years, Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted many wishes to children all over the globe. And till this day, Make-A-Wish Foundation Singapore has granted 527 wishes to children who are suffering from terminal illnesses.

Lets make a donation in celebration of the Make-A-Wish Foundations first accomplished wish and indirectly help to fulfill the inner needs of these children. :D

I am not paid to do this by the way. :X

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