Tuesday, April 6, 2010

If You Fear It, Face It.

Some of you expressed fear when I posted the girl from the movie Exorcist as my profile picture on facebook. Below is an image of the Exorcist girl. If you fear it, click it.

Knots are the problems in your heart.
They get tighter day by day as you delay these problems. The reason why you delay these problems are because you fear facing it.

Homework or career work:
Fear: Tiredness, frustration, exhaustion, etc.

Fear: Stress, frustration, failure etc.

Fear: Rejection, truth, argument, anger etc.

You can say you are lazy or you just couldn't be bothered, but that's just an excuse covering up your main fears.

You fear the weariness after doing your work that's why you don't want to start!
You fear the rejection or truth therefore you hesitate to tell your friends that the things they said bother you!

These thing demotivate you, and you don't like it! But if you do not face your fears you will never get over them. Just because these things demotivate you, you forget about the satisfaction you will get after accomplishing the task.

Instead of running away from a problem, why don't you try facing it? (:
Problems will remain there if unsolved and accumulated problems often make things worse.

So instead of skipping a remedial because it already started and you are 30mins late because you remembered the timetable wrongly, you can step into the class 30mins late, apologize to the teacher and told her what happened and join the remains of the lesson even if it is 15mins, 50mins or just 5 mins!

The time left has nothing to do with the reason you should skip.
In fact the only reason you want to skip is because you don't want to face you fear!

If you joined the remedial session late:
You have attended the remedial late but you got an idea of what is taught. You got a scolding for 2mins but the teacher will probably let it go on the spot. You have the worksheets that is given on that day. You missed out less.

If you skipped:
The teacher is mad. You missed out what is taught. You don't have the worksheets or notes for that topic. You have to explain yourself and the scolding duration is probably longer than 2mins. Your results are at stake. You haven't faced your fears. & If you are unlucky, you probably will be sent for detention.

The more fears you face the braver you become.
And life would be way smoother without fear.

To face your fears is to eliminate problems the moment they pop up,
To untie the knots even before they are fully formed,
And to be responsible for what you have done.

This is the real photo of the Exorcist girl (Linda Blair):

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