Sunday, September 25, 2011

You Are Powerful.

When you are in a room with 2 violins and you start playing with one violin, the other violin would sound too. This simple effect of an echo shows us one thing:

You can affect someone else by playing your own strings.

Too often, we fail to see the impact of the things we do. But in actual fact, a very simple smile can brighten a stranger's day. Did you know that it is very difficult to frown for a long time at someone who is smiling?


I don't know about you but I feel more compelled to donate to street musicians when my friend or the person in front of me donates. Because of that, chances are, I have made others feel more compelled to donate too. Of course, there is the occasional negative person who thinks that he shouldn't donate 'cause others are already donating, but negative people are always around and the only thing we can do to reduce the amount of negativity is by spreading positivity around us.


Recently, I also realised that there are somethings that we cannot change but we can always make it better by changing ourselves. I know the pain of a wrong relationship but I still have to watch my friends get into obviously wrong relationships and some times it troubles me. I often ask myself, "Why am I not helping?" but I know, if I told them, they probably won't believe me and I might even lose a friend in the process of telling. So I told myself, "I know I can't stop them from jumping off a bridge, but I can always be there to catch them when they fall."

Changing yourself is changing the world.
It may sound ridiculous but it is true.
After all, you are a part of the world and every impact you make will spread like wildfire.

You are powerful because you can sound the music in others simply by playing on your own strings. We are more than violins, we are full-bodied music because we have a heart. A heart that beats like drums. So speak words from your heart, do things from your heart because these are the loudest actions that will sound into the hearts of others.

You can make a change.

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