Saturday, September 3, 2011

The perfect being.

I went back to my secondary school on Thursday (two days ago) to celebrate teachers' day. It's funny how teachers' day always feel more special after you have left the school.


We see them as a higher authority. Sometimes we even see them as a perfect being. The thought of your teacher/lecturer dancing to the latest k-pop hits or getting high after a few drinks would seem odd and amusing. But they actually are normal people who make mistakes, have bad days, get scolded by their bosses, and have a need for stress relieving entertainment; they just don't show it (or at least the more professional ones wouldn't. I know of teachers who bring their moods into the classroom and lash it out at students).

Maybe it's because of this that they seem inhuman.
Maybe it's because of this that we think that they wouldn't understand us.
Maybe it's because of this that we think teachers are worry-free.
Maybe it's because of this that we find it surprising when their itunes library is accidentally flashed to the class, songs like, LMFAO - Shots or Britney Spears - I Wanna Go appears.

Truth is, they are all just a more knowledgeable other that is trying to bring the best out of us.

O'levels has brought me much stress and I think it's a great experience. To me, it seems that the last year of your secondary school life is the year that you really see the most out of your teachers. Most meaning good and bad sides. I have seen the ugly side of some teachers and the angelic side of some. But no matter how much I think they deserve/don't deserve to be wished on this they of the year, I am sure they have impacted someone's life (just not mine) in their journey of teaching.

So, Happy Teachers Day to all teachers/lecturers.

And also, I tend to learn from everyone around me. Although they are not consciously teaching me, I learn things from then through their actions or from having conversation with them. This is why quotes like, "Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise." or"You can never learn anything from anyone that agrees with you." exist.

Therefore, to end this post I would like to say 3 things,
1) Be wise men.
2) Embrace conflict.
3) Happy teacher's day to EVERYONE fool or wise.

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