Monday, September 19, 2011

"Hey, are you a Dyke or a Faggot?"

This post is about a poet that writes poems close to my heart. I have never really introduced her 'cause I was thinking that no one would be interested in poetry especially when it's American because I can understand that some people have difficulties understanding American accent. However, I hope you do try to understand what she say 'cause every time I listen to her, it leaves me in awe. I will literally have my jaw dropped and by the end of my poem I'll be smiling.

Her accent is understandable to me but she speaks really fast. Even I need to refer to the actual poem to understand what she say sometimes. So I will post the poem below the video for you guys to refer to.. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

It was the type of quiet that twitched like fire,
Naplam silence
It was the tick, tick, tick before the bomb,
but without the bomb or the tick will they looked me over
they're parental lenses five feet thick
Protection from the glare of the mutated form that was once their
Sweet, Little, Daughter.

They wore their smiles like condoms
I curled myself into the least viral form I could think of,
held back a cough, and asked for a glass of water
Silence here, but in their eyes:

"This ain't no Jerusalem girl, ain't no messiah here gonna go feeding no leper."


"You're 25 years old, where the fuck's your diamond ring? "


"Ain't no wonder they all look at you.
Wash your hair,
take that metal shit out of your face,
you dress like you live in the streets for fuck's sake and
Why the hell are you sittin' like you got a cock between your legs?"


"Ain't no wonder you don't have a ring.
I'm aware not saying just any boy's gonna do
Don't you ever bring home
no spick,
no nigger,
no hippie,
no jew,
no long-haired faggot flipping his flaming little wrists,
I'll tie him to the fence myself."


"Oh now look at you.
Acting like you're all scarred!
Like you've been doing some hard time seeing to get your mommy and daddy to call to bawl about some BITCH gone and broke your heart?"


"You and your fucking heart.
I would have torn it apart myself years ago
Had I know you would use it to put this family through hell.
You got something to say to us?
You're just fucking bag it.
Do you have any idea what it's like
For us to walk through Walmart with the whole town knowing
Our daughter's a FAGGOT?"

" mean dyke."


"You. Mean. DYKE.
And I've got, she's got, we've got
The 12 inch cock, harness, and ready to prove it.
Do you think I've got five minutes to waste
in the rates of your picket fence
right wing pedophile preacher finish-line?
I don't think so.
Your ignorance bores me,
and I wouldn't suck a dick,
a real one,
anymore then I'd take a ring from some prick
who thinks my clit sits a foot inside my body,
give me a break."

I'm gonna wait until this end of the sea.
Waterfall of woman's spilling over me
and her sexy self dancing in the poles of the lines
of my outstretched thighs
until our two bodies as one
beat down all you've done
or ever will do
with your righteous republican sanctity.

I don't believe in your goodness,
with your should that's and should this.
I'm so tired of even wasting my breath,
my ink on this shit.
I just wanna shut my mouth now and maybe
roll my words smooth and easy
over a perfect picture of beautiful,
because there's

But I can't touch you
when your ignorance keeps dismembering
every piece of patients I have left,
and I can't help but wake every morning
remembering a front page clipping of a boy
from Wyoming who had his face stained red
by the hands the of two products who tied him
and beat him and left him for dead
and when they found his body,
through all the blood
the only clear skin on his whole face you could see
were those lines on his cheeks
that his tears had washed clean.

And that might be crime you would never do
but those killers had teachers and preachers and neighbors like you,
so don't fuck with me.

I was your sweet little girl
when you were sweet to me,
so don't expect me to listen to
your version of right.
I've got ears of my own,
I spent years on my own.

You say one more thing I don't like,
you say one more THING I don't like,

I'm driving to Walmart myself hanging up a fifty foot billboard that says "Mark and Shirley's daughter Andrea is a FUCKING DYKE."

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