Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm flawed.

They say you blog the best when you have nothing to blog. So today I shall try it. This post may be a bit random.

Recently, I notice a few flaws in my appearance. My taekwondo master unintentionally gave me a size 3 belt and when tied, the ends of the belt (the two long parts that are supposed to dangle below like a moustach) were too short. They looked like butterfly wings stick out from my belt! It wasn't my master's fault, size 3 is supposed to be the correct lenght for my height. So I thus conclude that I'm fat and it's time to loose some weight. My belt is my ultimate motivation now. I don't know why but I developed this thought since I started taekwondo when I was a kid, "Long belts make people look like dragons even if they are not very good fighters are short belts make people look like harmless butterflies." So in my context, I currently look like a harmless butterfly. Lol.

Another flaw would be my face. I am getting more and more pimples and I don't know why! I think it's cuz 'the time of the month' is near. I have a bad habbit of popping pimples. My brain knows that it will leave a scar, but my brain also believes that if I do not pop my pimple, it will take a super long time to disappear and popping the pimple will release the pus allowing quicker healing. The truth is, popping pimples creates a wound that will be prone to further infection of the pimple, the pus may get into the blood steam and spread the infection around the face internally or spread around the skin affecting your face externally (I read from a book), and lastly, it causes scars. Although I know all these, it is still very temping to pop pimples. Lol. I need to control myself..

I am not sad about all these flaws. They give me a chance to change for the better. Anyway, they are all just minor external flaws. I am thankful that I am healthy.
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