Friday, December 3, 2010

Body Image

After looking at a Facebook fan page and going through some thoughts, I am inspired to write a meaningful post. One that I haven't been writing for a long time and this time, it is about body image.

It has become a fact that body image is a concern amongst many people in society. The answer to whether you are happy with yourself or not doesn't stop at whether you are happy in your body but it stops at whether others in the society approves of the body shape that you have.

I have friends who tell me, "You look okay , actually. You are just a bit fat." and to be honest, this makes me a little upset with myself. I would look into the mirror, and suddenly my flabs appear bigger than before even when my weighing scale disapproves with my judgement! Why am I affected by his or her judgement? Well, I think it is because our shallow society views body image importantly.

This has blinded many of us and made us think lowly of ourselves. Our needs of a fit and healthier body no longer matter, what matters is our wants of a body that looks good to others.

"It becomes an obsession, you are never good enough for yourself."
We need to start thinking for ourselves.

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