Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weird Mind.

I don't know if this applies to all, but I happened to do a lot of selective thinking. Even my memories are selective!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am gonna talk about my love life again. It isn't very fantastically colourful, but I am just extremely open about it.

When I was in a long-term relationship with this girl, I forgot how I lived before I met her. I've always asked myself, "How did I live through that period of my life? Everything seems so blur!"

And just yesterday, my friend asked me to tell her about my love life (cuz I seldom talk to people about it) and I started from the break up of my first girlfriend. It wasn't done on purpose though. I didn't even noticed until my friend asked, "Then what about your first girlfriend?"

I guess it is just periods of life. When you are in one period you tend to forget about the other periods. But after her big question, I am left with the same old question, "How did I live through that period of my life?"

It's not that I forget what had happened or anything, but everything from the memory of the time period seems so unreal. So impossible.

PS (The full story that I told her.):
There's this girl which I met about a week or two the break up and she actually was kinda cool (even my friends agreed and said that she actually waited for me). But we only lasted a week because my ex found out from my blog and smsed me. I was so confused and shit that I broke up with her that night. I feel really sorry for her and I kinda regret that I doing it, but there is still a part of me that knows we aren't meant to be, so it wasn't that bad after all. Then came this weird plus dangerous girl that flames up for no reason at all! We lasted 3 days.

But anyways, that made me kinda afraid of love and I'd rather stay single now.

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