Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1: Recent Photo & 15 Facts.

So, I decided to take up the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. This challenge is suppose to be started on the 1st of December 2010, blogging 30 days up to a new year. But since I am a lame and slow person, I shall start posting now and see if I get to 30 days before the new year!

The tittles of these blog posts are supposed to let you realise your wants for the new year, so I think it's kinda helpful.

1st post, a recent photo (checked) and 15 facts:
  1. My name is Jasmine by birth.
  2. Most of my wardrobe is black.
  3. I am a lesbian butch but I can sometimes be girly.
  4. I have an unspoken passion for Taylor Swift.
  5. I have very conflicting thoughts about being in a relationship. Part of me really wants someone to love. The other part of me prefers to remain single until I am settled down.
  6. I like yoga classes better than meditation.
  7. I work in a primitive tattoo shop that is Buddhist based.
  8. I blog to sort out my thoughts, that's why I am still blogging even when no one is reading.
  9. Call me immature, but I like Disney Movies. (Some of them, like Lion King and Mulan.)
  10. I want more muscular arms.
  11. I have thought about changing my sex before but I think it is better to just remain Female.
  12. I think this guy is really awesome and most of my post are inspired by him.
  13. I need to work towards a less prideful life because that would make me happier.
  14. I am really lazy sometimes and I would rather try to tear open a packet of chips than reach for the pair of scissors that is just 2 metres away.
  15. I can do a saddle-split! But it's not 180 degrees.
There you go! 15 facts! I hope you learnt something new about me!

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