Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Kind Of Girl.

During a dinner that I was absent in, my friends somehow came up with the topic "What is JT's kind?" they spoke about it for awhile and concluded that my kind was ang-mo girls.

Although this discussion was long closed, it kept me thinking about the answer (which is definitely more than just ang-mo girls).

I used to think that I wanted a girl who wears eyeliner, like me. Who has the same religious faith as me. Who likes and dislikes are similar to mine and that what I agree with she would too. I wanted a girl like this so that we would argue less because as a Taurus, I am particularly stubborn and unsettled arguments keep me uncomfortable.

Then I thought about it again and I concluded that the best girl isn't the one who is a duplicate of myself but one that I can laugh and tear with. The one that understands me and the one that I can understand. The one that respects my odd religious faith and doesn't mind me telling her more about it. The one that I can have conversations about the psychology of human as well as animal mind. The one that is humble but yet confident. And most importantly, the one that trusts and love me as much as I trust and love her.

I know she is somewhere out there.

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