Friday, December 10, 2010

Old But Fulfilled.

Look at this pair of shoe. If I'd sell it to you, would you want it?

A few days ago, my dad bought new shoes (AHEM, Doc Marts. Hee.). As he was about to throw away his old shoes that was even more worn out than the pair above, be told me where he had been to with that pair of shoe and how long he had been using it. And that made me tell myself, I want to be a pair of old and worn out shoe when I grow old.

There are many things in life that I have said "no" to just so that I can have an easier way out. But I realised that the more you say "No" in life, the more you will miss!

The difference between an old and worn out shoe and a shoe that is old but never been worn is the amount of road it has ever been on.

So from today on, I will try something new, talk to a stranger take a new route or whatever that makes my heart tingle!

Because at the end of the day an old pair of sneakers have no new potential in it BUT it is old and worn out from running towards life and not running away from it.

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