Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Science Doesn't Explain Life.

Science explains to you how a heart pumps blood in order to circulate oxygen around your body it also explains to you how nerve impulses travels in order for you to react to a stimulant. Our bodies are magnificent machines that operate on its own. Come to think of it, it is just like a pendulum that is pushed by a strong force. This pendulum will continue to swing but it will have friction with the air as it continues to swing, thus it gets slower and slower and one day it will stop.

The pendulum represents our life on Earth and all pendulums need a force to start them moving. Science hasn't exactly prove what this force is yet, however, some like to believe it is God and I like to believe it is Mother Nature but I totally respect any way of thinking.

We are all pendulums moving at different speeds and maybe the force that starts us moving are different forces, thus we move at different speeds, different momentum, and in different ways. I know some would disagree, but maybe there isn't only one religion and everyone who believes in one religion or none are correct. (If God is never-changing, we would all move at the same speed, momentum and way according to the day we were born!)

It doesn't matter how we started, we are all very similar.
If only we could see this then there wouldn't be so much religious bloodshed.

In the end, we are all mirrors of one another.

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