Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hate Comes In Sizes.

Detachment, is the key to truly experiencing this universe. When you are holding on to something, you cannot experience another. Therefore, holding on to an emotion and letting it bug you will not only waste your times of happiness, but also it will chain you from the freedom to explore. and experience other things.

Actually, how much somebody hates you have nothing to do with how much you will be affected by the hate. I was just told by a friend just now that somebody hates me. Being curious, and of course a little confused, I asked if she had reasons. And indeed she does! So she told me and I find it sort of ridiculous, so I simply turn it away and continue with what I believe in.

Have confidence in what you believe in, let no one but yourself shift the way you think. Self-worth comes from you! You must know how much you are worth and not let others put a price tag on you!

So, the next time someone hates you, or does something not very nice to you and you feel hurt...

Experience it. Don't hide from it, let yourself feel it and tell yourself, "Okay, this is hurt. I feel it. I recognize it. Now, I am going to detach from it to experience other things." Then you must let it go and forget it.

Know your worth:
Self-worth comes from you. Do not question your worth just because someone hates you, by doing that, you are letting others put a price tag on you! Not very wise. So stand tall with confidence and continue your day!

Hate comes in sizes,
And YOU get to determine it!


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