Sunday, July 18, 2010


It was a late night for a Wednesday and I was at the bus stop with two friends getting ready to go home and hit the sack. Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice hit me....

"You are ugly. Ugly!" I heard a man say.

Instinctively, I turned and looked. He was sitting on a bench beside me and was apparently shouting at the air. My heart wenched as I realized the painful truth of what this world has become. The man was alive, but he is murdered and nearly dead inside.

Death has two kinds - Physical and emotional. Physical death is simple to understand. It is like being dead outside. The shell (body) is dead, but the spirit is alive and it shall continue it's journey in the universe. Physical death is nothing.

Emotional death are the ones that hurt the most. Being dead inside means your body is still alive, but your spirit is half gone. You are a living husk with no emotions. Many people call this depression, but I call it dying. Like a wallet with no money, being dead or alive doesn't really matter anymore. Who would bring a wallet out of their house if they know it is empty?

As I wait for the bus to arrive, the man continues to chant...

"So ugly."
"You are so ugly."
"I don't like you."
"I don't think I like your face."
"Horrible face. Ugly!"
"Dirty dirty man. So ugly."

Those were different words of the same meaning. The same words that I am able to relate to two years ago. I stood there as each word pierced through my heart and I felt a strong urge to tell him.....

"You are beautiful."

But then my bus came.

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