Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Kind Of Girl.

During a dinner that I was absent in, my friends somehow came up with the topic "What is JT's kind?" they spoke about it for awhile and concluded that my kind was ang-mo girls.

Although this discussion was long closed, it kept me thinking about the answer (which is definitely more than just ang-mo girls).

I used to think that I wanted a girl who wears eyeliner, like me. Who has the same religious faith as me. Who likes and dislikes are similar to mine and that what I agree with she would too. I wanted a girl like this so that we would argue less because as a Taurus, I am particularly stubborn and unsettled arguments keep me uncomfortable.

Then I thought about it again and I concluded that the best girl isn't the one who is a duplicate of myself but one that I can laugh and tear with. The one that understands me and the one that I can understand. The one that respects my odd religious faith and doesn't mind me telling her more about it. The one that I can have conversations about the psychology of human as well as animal mind. The one that is humble but yet confident. And most importantly, the one that trusts and love me as much as I trust and love her.

I know she is somewhere out there.

OMG, This is Cool!

You can actually make Google Translate beatbox!

Go to "Google Translate".
Set the languages: From German to German.
Type: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpvpvzk kkkkk bsch.
and listen to her beat box.

I was awed. But don't be lazy, be sure to set the language as german to german.

Time To Lose

Was looking at the scrap book full of pictures and comments from my lovely choir and I noticed that I have gain some weight as compared to last year. It is no surprise since the scales have been showing evidence. To add on to that, I have friends who commented on my roundness which made me avoid certain clothes that made my figure rounder. That's probably why I have lesser clothes to wear now. But dumping clothes ain't the solution. The roundness clothes can hide is very limited. I would want my figure to control the clothes I wear instead!

Therefore, I, Jasmine Tang, shall take care of my weight and loose at least 10kg. I shall let clothes look nice on me rather than me looking nice in certain clothes! However, endurance isn't build overnight (so are super models). But I am not gonna become some super model. I just want to boost my health and confidence.

Thus, within this 3 months, I want to make a change in my weight!
(By the way, the picture above was taken during my 'skinnier' period and I want to beat that picture!)

"What's my name?" - Rihanna (Alt. lyrics)

How long is your...
How long is your...

How long is yours?
How long is yours?
How long is yours?

(I have many monkeys in my head.)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Together We Pluck The Thorns Off The Roses.


Sunday, November 28, 2010


It is definitely something worth blogging about if your ex-girlfriend who didn't go out with you for that long and broke up with you for at least half a year calls while she is drunk and scolded you for being late for the date.

I hereby conclude that thou shalt drink and call.

Magic Of Music Production

Original Video:

Remix Video:

By the way, in case you are wondering, he is gay.
Seriously. He likes men.


What are you using it for?
Self-fulfillment or really to help others?

Just because you have something more, it doesn't make everyone around you something less. Pride makes you lose your power.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I don't know if it happens to all but the existence of death never seemed to shock or surprise me. To me, death is very real and more or less a part of my everyday life. I have buried uncountable pets and sat at funerals of relatives (some as close as my grandmother which took care of me as I grew up). Even then, I did not cry.

Somehow, I never really understood the concept of being sad about death. I look at life as a bus ride and the people who pass away are simply alighting this bus of life. One day, I would alight too.

Death is as common as puberty (or even more common). No one ever survived forever. I guess the only thing that makes people sad are the regrets and things that they were not able to express.

I only have one advice. Let go.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just A Sad Post.

Most of my posts are full of positivity but unfortunately, this post is not meant to inspire or enlighten anyone. This post is just to vent my sadness. If you are here for positivity, read the other posts. I don't want to be a killjoy.

Today was not a bad day. It is just a day of bad thoughts...
I am confused about myself.

The wounds are still bleeding even if they seemed scared on the surface. These wounds are just like inflamed inner tissues that attack on the inside and nothing can be done from the outside. I would wish to see a doctor to stop the pain. However there is a problem...
These wounds cannot be seen...

If my heart was a wall, it was a wall with a deep deep hole. This hole was mended over time and needed a lot of cement to fill. However, before the cement could dry, it was dug out by another emotion. By then, there was probably not much cement left to fill it, so the hole was abandoned. So I told myself, "If there wasn't enough cement, maybe love could fill the hole." But ironically, what love does is leave a bigger hole after it has left.

Somehow I am really sorry for Earth. I guess it's fate would almost be the same as a scalp of a tick infested hair of a boy who only started to use an anti-thick shampoo after 3/4 of his hair is gone. Sigh.

I guess the only thing that cheers me up right now is how beautiful the Goddess is tonight. And I love my friends.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prom Night [WORDS]

I guess the pictures say a lot. But I would like to lazily add that:
  • I am proud to say that I styled hair for people!
  • Shawleong is my masterpiece.
  • I drew a star on my face with liquid eyeliner.
  • This isn't goodbye.

Prom Night [PICTURES]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Science Doesn't Explain Life.

Science explains to you how a heart pumps blood in order to circulate oxygen around your body it also explains to you how nerve impulses travels in order for you to react to a stimulant. Our bodies are magnificent machines that operate on its own. Come to think of it, it is just like a pendulum that is pushed by a strong force. This pendulum will continue to swing but it will have friction with the air as it continues to swing, thus it gets slower and slower and one day it will stop.

The pendulum represents our life on Earth and all pendulums need a force to start them moving. Science hasn't exactly prove what this force is yet, however, some like to believe it is God and I like to believe it is Mother Nature but I totally respect any way of thinking.

We are all pendulums moving at different speeds and maybe the force that starts us moving are different forces, thus we move at different speeds, different momentum, and in different ways. I know some would disagree, but maybe there isn't only one religion and everyone who believes in one religion or none are correct. (If God is never-changing, we would all move at the same speed, momentum and way according to the day we were born!)

It doesn't matter how we started, we are all very similar.
If only we could see this then there wouldn't be so much religious bloodshed.

In the end, we are all mirrors of one another.

Monday, November 15, 2010


While I was walking home after having my breakfast, I met an evangelist who stopped by and talked to me about God.

As usual, I would play 'Jesus-freak' with her and pretend that I am 'her kind'. She later on advertised about her church and told me to drop by on Saturdays and I said, "Sure. Sure." and filled up the form for membership in their church. I was let off about 10 minutes later after writing random names, numbers and a fake email address.

Another person who argued with the evangelist about the existence of God got lectured waaaay longer than 10mins. She had survey forms to fill and a whole load of brochures about God.

In my humble opinion, this is no different from the propaganda led by the Japanese army during their occupation in Singapore. Although evangelists do not kill anyone, they force their opinions on others and expect people to be persuaded. To me, it is just a 'civilised' way of tying a person on to a torture rack and not letting him go until he agrees with your point of view.

But I am glad not all Christians are like that. (:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Tell If I am Drunk.

  1. I am writing this post under the influence of alcohol.
  2. I rock back and forth involuntary.
  3. I will stone.
  4. I will start falling asleep.
  5. I am slouching.
  6. I never really close my mouth completely.
  7. My face and neck turns really red.
  8. I am really hungry and I want to eat mee pok.
It is good to notice how you act when you are half drunk.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guy of Mere Existence.

This guy is super talented and his videos are addictive!!!
Seriously, you should just go check out his Youtube channel.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Old Facebook Statuses.

On the 27th of Sept 2009:
"Why the hell do we need to sleep?! Its a fucking waste of time.. COFFEE..."

On the 23rd of December 2009:
"Since my parents are planning to go on an unplanned trip out of town for X'mas, I shall try to get my parent's ass to Indonesia tomorrow so I can chill with Janice Tjhin Karim.. :D"

On the 13th of January 2010:
"I am an O'level student!!! Therefore, I lick windows, sniff tires and interact with farm animals... ON A MUTHER FUCKING DAILY BASIS! :D"

On the 22nd of January 2010:
"I created a controversy and didn't know a shit about it till Indah Kim told me. :X Haha! Interesting."

On the 1st of April 2010:
"What the hell do people do on Farmville anyway? Say stuff like, "OH LOOK, MY COW JUST LAID AN EGG!"?"

On the 24th of July 2010:
"You could only last 14 days without Shitting. But no worries, you do it so many times a day (By mouth and by the ass) you'll survive."

On the 27th of september 2010:
"If only we've seen hell, then earth wouldn't be that bad anymore."

On the 10th of November 2010:
"Looking through my old statuses is fun."

And I cuss A LOT.

Monday, November 8, 2010


If we were to classify life on Earth (In general) into a movie genre,
It would be tragedy.

Because at the end of it,
No one survived.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Youtube Comments Are Hilarious.

On A Fire Safety Video:

"My family members frequently catch fire, but we go to a designated area outside to drop and roll. Sometimes there will be two or three of us out in yard rolling around, having ignited in unrelated events."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Old vs. New

This was me more than a year ago.
Now I am a different person. So weird, so strange.

If you could go back in time, will you change the way you were or just remain the same?

If you could go back in time, will you be yourself or chose to be someone else?

If you could go back in time, will you love yourself even more?

If you could go back in time, what makes you think you can handle the situation better?

And if you could go back in time, is it true that the world will not have mistakes?

I am glad I can't go back in time.
If I am able to do that, I would never move on with life.

It Becomes A Trademark.

During a phone conference....

‎Friend: "What are you wearing?"
Me: "Black."
Friend: "Uh-chey! Duh! Not asking you lah!"


Monday, November 1, 2010

The Universe Is Giving Me Time To Think.

There is a saying that goes, "There is always someone out there that is crazy about you, so be happy. Life's too short for unhappiness." Unavoidably, this quote would make you wonder, "So who exactly is this person? And is this quote even true?" I asked the same question.

But after sometime, I realised that people who are sincerely liking you are only crazy on the inside.

The person that like you is not:
-The one who shouts, "Hey good looking!" at the corridors of the school.
-The one that tags your blog or writes on your wall claiming that you are attractive.
-The one that views your photos and like them and write, "Soooo hottt."
-The one that hugs you the moment she sees you in school.
-The one that flirts sickishly with you on msn or sms.
-The one that claims that she loves you right after a break up.

But she is the one that:
-Smiles when people call you good looking.
-Too shy to write on your wall or tag on your blog.
-Views your photos secretly.
-Turns away when she sees you in school.
-Be on cloud nine if you start talking to her on msn.
-Confesses her love to you in a very indirect manner.

And most importantly, the one that loves you will see you as a perfect person even if you are really just imperfect in many ways.

I'm just glad the universe made me see that.