Thursday, December 8, 2011


After seeing my cousin getting married, I sometimes I dream of my life as being single forever.

No one to tie me down, no one to be worried about, no one to affect my emotion and I can travel the world with all the money I have. I don't see the reason why some people see it as no one to tie down to, no one that's worried for you, no one to make your day just be saying "I love you" and no one to travel with. I think establishing a relationship with myself is the most important thing and I haven't fully done so yet.Maybe it takes a life time to discover oneself and another to establish a relationship but I have already started saying I love you to myself and that feeling it gives is awesome!

The other day I was bored and I was trying to make a checklist of how I want my dream partner to be like and I think the person I am describing is very similar to myself. I am not extremely poetic, but I can be deep. I am not very simple, but I am easily pleased. And sometimes, I wish people could understand that just because someone keeps their mouth shut, it doesn't mean they are dumb!

Call me egoistic, I know I hardly am, so I won't care about your comment! Hah! But I think that's why I don't need a partner... I have myself. And if no one else in the world knows how to appreciate me, then I would rather be single. I feel like it's the self-love and self-respect I promised myself the last time I have broken my own heart by randomly dating people. So I am really careful about who I date now.

Love in my opinion starts from within oneself. If you don't love yourself, don't even try loving another person. Independence is attractive and an additional love for music is a plus point. Whoops, it looks like I have unknowingly made a better checklist for myself. Haha. When I love someone, I want to like every aspect of that person. It's hard to find someone like that, but it's important to know what you want. I definitely do not want to end up in a relationship where I just love my partner just to keep things together. Reluctant relationships are emotionally consuming! I would rather end things right away. But I know, when I love, I love deeply and I will try to work things out as far as I can... except, I know my limits now.

At the end of the day, it's between me and my partner. It is the bond we share because we love each other not the bond we share to amaze or make others envious.

I'm not a clown in the circus of love.

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