Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hell's Escape Plan (works on Earth only)

Have you ever found yourself stuck in hell? So much work to do, so little time! You are so tired yet you are less than halfway through. You feel almost burnout and you and blaming yourself for not doing your work earlier. Well, if the above situation is familiar to you then this post is for you.

Ways to escape hell #1:
Don't believe in hell. Tell yourself that you are not stuck in a rut and there will be a way out. You are not disabled unless you believe that you are. There are many successful people that are described as disabled according to our society, but what made them different and more successful than other disabled people is their mindset. Even through people label them as disable, they do not see themselves differently and they believe that there is always a way to work things around in a difficult situation. Believe is a very powerful thing, use it to build yourself, not tear yourself down.

Ways to escape hell #2:
Face hell with all the confidence you have. Yes, do not run away from hell. Don't procrastinate. Just because things are hard to deal with doesn't mean that you should avoid it. If you do that, hell will just keep running after you. Face hell, or even better, confront hell! Confront hell like you enjoy doing it. If you have a difficult assignment on your hands, do it to the best of your abilities. If you don't understand something that will be tested, ask the lecturer personally. You are responsible for your own escape and you can't blame Facebook, your crush or that awesome Friday night party if you fail to escape from the clutches of hell.

Ways to escape hell #3:
Plan your way out. Set goals. I know some of you must be thinking, "But I never once fulfilled my goal!!" That's because you've been setting the wrong kind of goals. Your goals must first be SMART:


Don intimidate yourself with dreamy goals, set something that is simple! Then build up your goal archiving confidence from there. Also, it is important to have 2 kinds of goals! One long-term goal which you should always remind yourself of and one short-term goal which should be driven by the long-term goal. For example, if my long-term goal would be to get a 3.8 GPA, then my one of my short-term goal would be to study for at least an hour every monday - friday. You might think that one hour is not a lot, you small changes do make big differences! Like what Sean Covey said in his book The 7 Habbits of Highly Effective Teens, if you wanted to fly from New York to Tel Aviv in Isreal but made a one degree change north, you would end up in Moscow instead of Tel Aviv. So short-term goals help to make long-term goals more archivable!

Ways to escape hell #4:
Be truthfully happy. This is the part that you should be familiar with (if you read my blog often that is). I love to emphasize on happiness and if what you are building on to archive isn't making you happy at all then it is time to change. I know it is hard to make a change now that you have already put your foot on the path but if you don't want to wake up one morning in your mid-thirties realizing that the only reason you are staying in your job is because of the financial support it gives and your happiness level is equivalent to zero, then it's time to change. No matter what I choose to archive, the most important values to me are self-respect, happiness, family, and health. You might have different values but if your ultimate goal isn't in-tune with your values then... you know what to do.

That's all I have for now. Maybe there will be a part two.
This is to remind myself that I need to share the story about a thousand marbles in the next post! Haha~

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