Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Forgotten Wallet Post.

I lost my wallet.

After a day of fun, joy, and laughter at wild wild wet, I lost my wallet. I have no ez-link, very little cash, and I am feeling kinda lost. My immediate reaction was to put on a black face and vent my anger out on everyone around me. The useless office staff who told me to fill up a form (which never works!), that bastard Caucasian guy that I suspect is the thief of my wallet, my friends (who are as helpless as me at finding my wallet), and stupid looking children that are laughing and running around. Instantly, I wanted everyone around me to feel the pain I am feeling within me but I know it wasn't right so I kept it in.

I called my dad and told him about it and he advice me to report the lost to the police. I felt a little better after telling my dad. I started using my phone's Google Map to find the nearest police station. I still feel pretty depressed but I told myself I am not helping myself cope with the situation by being so upset. So, I shook off the black face and smiled to myself and started being thankful for all the things I didn't loose like my phone, house keys, my card holder (which contains only membership cards), and I am more than thankful that I have friends with me! (thanks, shaw, guangyi and melvin~) Losing a wallet may not be a good thing, but I am thankful for it because everything happens for a reason, after all, it will be a good learning experience.

Thankfulness is a kind of positivity. We must see a kind of beauty in the things we are thankful for in order to be thankful for it. (Unless you are being sarcastic of course) And I believe in seeing beauty in everything. It's not neglecting the flaws in a situation, it is looking at things at a lighter point of view.

It is making life more worth living.

Being positive was the best thing I could do for that moment and I did not regret it. Imagine if I actually kept a black face throughout that period of time! I think my experience of losing my wallet would be far worst for me and the people around me... maybe even traumatic.

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