Thursday, December 1, 2011


Sometimes people do things that really make you snap, and you end up hating the person. You swear that you will never want to see him/her again. So, you avoid them, talk bad about them and that makes you hate them even more. I am sure everyone has one person that is like that in their lives and when you hate someone, chances are, it is really hard to forgive them.

But we are all human and imperfection is human. Sometimes the things that we do are so wrong, even we are ashamed of ourselves. I don't know if this applies to everyone or not, but I have hated myself before and obviously, I was in misery.

Unfortunately, the sad fact is, you can't run from yourself. You can't avoid yourself. But talking bad about yourself is actually possible! People say things like, "I am so fat and ugly." And in their attempt to 'run away' from themselves, they act like someone else. Someone they admire. Someone they feel worth more than themselves. They end up feeling unconfident and worthless.

We are imperfect. Let's just accept it. You are not able to do the right things all the time, so does the person you hate and that's okay. So, laugh at your own mistakes, don't take life so seriously, don't beat the life out of yourself with regret, and always be gentle with yourself.

It's harder to love and forgive others if you don't forgive yourself first.

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