Friday, December 16, 2011


There are many times where I feel disappointed with myself. For wasting time, for not doing better, for falling for my own traps again and again. And whenever that happens, I don't feel good about myself. So I would end up feeling useless, stupid and incapable.

There are also times when I look into the mirror I don't like what I see. Fat, short, ugly, pimple faced. It's worse when both of it happens at the same time. I simply feel worthless. I know these thoughts usually only come when I am in a bad mood, but that doesn't give me the excuse to throw insults at myself.

They say it takes a 1000 compliments to erase an insult.
How many times have you insulted yourself?
How many times have I done that?

How can I 'repay' those insults?

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