Monday, June 7, 2010

Love Is Power

Under the conditions where you feel like you have no more fuel to carry on, where you feel like you are dead tired and you just want to give up. It is not the reminder of the consequences of not continuing the journey ahead that empowers you, it is the love and care of the person that roots for you and cheer you on. It is the love of that person that gives you a reason to continue the pain staking journey. Love gives strength.

Under the conditions where someone is against you no matter what. Having a heated argument solves nothing. If you fight back, it never ends. Fighting back gives that someone the reason to be even more against you. But if you treat him or her with love, their hatred will melt. No matter how much they try to stay on hating, they can't hate any further. Love subsides hate.

Under what conditions do you find love helpful?
Is it true that love always wins?

Think and maybe tag me about it on the tag board. (:

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