Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gotta Live Like We're Dying.

I obviously haven't taken my stroll and sight-seeing on the bridge between life and death so I don't know much either. But I know, one thing for sure: Many people only learn how to live when they finally learn how to die. The last few months of your life suddenly feels so real, everything seems precious, time is suddenly limited.

We stumble our way through life, usually half-asleep forgetting the fact that everything we do leaves a print on this earth. Every word we speak holds impact. Now you are reading this post, whatever I am typing here has a significant impact on you, you have a significant impact on others and others... well, they too have impact on the distant others. Whatever I type here doesn't stop here. It goes on and on even when I die.

In this series of blog posts I will be talking about really living life. How we can live in order not to regret living when it is time for us to leave. I think it will be something to keep my usefully busy for the holidays.

Peace and forgive!

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