Saturday, June 12, 2010

Come Clean

Black is a stressful colour, and having my blog to be black with a candle on top seems to make it too serious or rather boring. So I have decided to change the colours and also the candle (since it doesn't match anymore). This blog header has a simpler meaning than the candle. The meaning is rather straight forward, no hidden meanings. But of course, meanings are up to you to make sense out of it!

If you haven't realised, the sign is creatively made of (mostly) religious symbols. Symbolising the coexistence of religions. And of course you can't coexist without peace, so there we have my favourite peace sign! And the "e" represents coexistence between male, female and homosexuals nobody should lead and nobody should be a follower. Domination of a single sex is CRAP. (: Respect.

Okay, I am off to try to make this layout a bit more interesting.


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