Thursday, June 24, 2010

Desk-bound Chimpanzees!

I was just wondering why people with desk-jobs are usually unhappy.. And I concluded that, somewhere between the evolution, we went from swinging from tree to tree to farming (all physical) and then suddenly, we were forced to be confined to our desks cubicles like monkeys in small cages with nothing more than its basic needs.

Being a student is also somehow a desk-job. We stay at our desks doing work in formal attire! Naturally, this makes us little restless and quite unhappy sometimes.

Thats why students want to go out to work that much. They want to be free, instinctively that seems to be freedom - to run around independently and reign. Meeting new clients, flying around the globe leaving marks of success and accomplishment etc. That's how most of the movies portray it anyways, right?

In our brainwashed and money-slapped-me-stupid society, they tend to focus very much of materialistic things. Big house, dogs, more cars, more maids, more cash, more branded goods... more more more.. more is good.. more is good.

And that's how we get brainwashed.

We become money zombies, instead of going, "Brains, brains" we go, "Money, money" and we are willing to sacrifice happiness for it, thinking that happiness will come when money comes. But sadly, in this cruel world it isn't like that.

In this world, things that physically appear (eg. money, cars, house) will disappear. But things that do not appear physically (eg. instinct, family bonds, happiness, peace) are ALWAYS deep within you by default.

Is it possible to be happy with something so unlike our nature? Maybe... Possibilities are endless!

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