Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Little Humor

This picture came about when I was with Jeannette in the computer lab. Basically we were just bored and decided to Google random stuff and she Googled my favourite phrase, "I have no idea." And thats when we came about this utterly hilarious picture.

And I am lazy to post another time, so here's what I want to tell everyone today.

Express your love.
Because keeping it in is no different from not having any.

Friday, June 25, 2010


There is hardly people tagging my blog!
More pathetic than primary school bloggers!
But it's okay. I will continue blogging..
For whoever that reads this might get something out of it (:

But please be nice and tag? ):

PS: Any spelling mistakes made in the title are fully intentional. :O

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Desk-bound Chimpanzees!

I was just wondering why people with desk-jobs are usually unhappy.. And I concluded that, somewhere between the evolution, we went from swinging from tree to tree to farming (all physical) and then suddenly, we were forced to be confined to our desks cubicles like monkeys in small cages with nothing more than its basic needs.

Being a student is also somehow a desk-job. We stay at our desks doing work in formal attire! Naturally, this makes us little restless and quite unhappy sometimes.

Thats why students want to go out to work that much. They want to be free, instinctively that seems to be freedom - to run around independently and reign. Meeting new clients, flying around the globe leaving marks of success and accomplishment etc. That's how most of the movies portray it anyways, right?

In our brainwashed and money-slapped-me-stupid society, they tend to focus very much of materialistic things. Big house, dogs, more cars, more maids, more cash, more branded goods... more more more.. more is good.. more is good.

And that's how we get brainwashed.

We become money zombies, instead of going, "Brains, brains" we go, "Money, money" and we are willing to sacrifice happiness for it, thinking that happiness will come when money comes. But sadly, in this cruel world it isn't like that.

In this world, things that physically appear (eg. money, cars, house) will disappear. But things that do not appear physically (eg. instinct, family bonds, happiness, peace) are ALWAYS deep within you by default.

Is it possible to be happy with something so unlike our nature? Maybe... Possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Monday, June 21, 2010

Always A Woman.

I think this song is a very wonderful song because at times in love, it is very difficult not to feel pain. But no matter how much pain we receive, that special person will always be in your heart, all amazing and glorious. And it never changes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Final Destination.

1 person dies in every four seconds.
People die during school trips,
people die by the strike of the lightning.

Some die by disease,
Slow and painful.

Our life is a live version of final destination.
You wouldn't know when you will go.
If you have said hello, you have to be able to say goodbye.

And with that goodbye, leaves your final impression of your life on Earth. One that you wouldn't be able to change. One that will live on until the day it is lost. And that, is a pretty long period of time. You think first impressions are important? Maybe final impressions are even more important... It wraps up everything.

So cherish one another.
Love yourself and make the world around you smile!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Spiritual Achievements.

"What if, right now... you are gonna die, what have you archived in life?"

What do you want to achieve?
Is it good results?
Is it a filthy rich lifestyle?
Is it a high position in a job?

Is your achievement all about yourself or your future family?
If yes, then we probably have to look a little deeper.

I cannot be a flower peace child all my life. One day, the materialistic world will slap me stupid and I will become a money slave just like many others. And that's why I am typing all these here hoping someone will see it and remind me of how I used to be if I ever go there.

But today, I will remind you of how YOU used to be.

When we were younger, I am sure we would have seen stuff like Batman, Power Puff Girls (my friend's dad used to call them Pok Pok Girl) and power rangers. Noone hoped to be the bad guy in the show, most kids would want to be the good guy! No, not because the good guy does good, it is because the good guy always wins!

Winning has always been important to us. It makes us feel powerful and successful, the alpha dog. It also tells us that our effort haven't been wasted. But to truly win, we cannot just win at the surface. A true winner is one who is happy no matter where he stands.

A person can be a CEO, but he is broken, angsty and selfish. He lives through his life half-dying trying to achieve more and more materialistic things, thinking: "If I can have this, I will be happy!" but he doesn't know that he has failed to fulfill his spiritual achievement. He is a turtle that sticks his head out of it's shell 24/7 and forgot that he has a shell to go into. Inside that shell is his soul.

You can work your pants off, dance and drink your time away or fly business class everyday but never forget that, besides the house you are living in, the true home is always inside of you.

The greatest achievement that anyone could ever have is being happy.
Love and respect yourself. And don't forget to share your happiness!

Respect means not letting yourself become a slave of money!

Forgive. (:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gotta Live Like We're Dying.

I obviously haven't taken my stroll and sight-seeing on the bridge between life and death so I don't know much either. But I know, one thing for sure: Many people only learn how to live when they finally learn how to die. The last few months of your life suddenly feels so real, everything seems precious, time is suddenly limited.

We stumble our way through life, usually half-asleep forgetting the fact that everything we do leaves a print on this earth. Every word we speak holds impact. Now you are reading this post, whatever I am typing here has a significant impact on you, you have a significant impact on others and others... well, they too have impact on the distant others. Whatever I type here doesn't stop here. It goes on and on even when I die.

In this series of blog posts I will be talking about really living life. How we can live in order not to regret living when it is time for us to leave. I think it will be something to keep my usefully busy for the holidays.

Peace and forgive!

Come Clean

Black is a stressful colour, and having my blog to be black with a candle on top seems to make it too serious or rather boring. So I have decided to change the colours and also the candle (since it doesn't match anymore). This blog header has a simpler meaning than the candle. The meaning is rather straight forward, no hidden meanings. But of course, meanings are up to you to make sense out of it!

If you haven't realised, the sign is creatively made of (mostly) religious symbols. Symbolising the coexistence of religions. And of course you can't coexist without peace, so there we have my favourite peace sign! And the "e" represents coexistence between male, female and homosexuals nobody should lead and nobody should be a follower. Domination of a single sex is CRAP. (: Respect.

Okay, I am off to try to make this layout a bit more interesting.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Awoken By Death.

What if life is just one big dream?

What if one day you noticed that your world only consist of you and the others are all just illusions?

Time is ticking, not much time left till we get awoken by death. Whether this dream turns out to be a sweet dream or a nightmare, it is really up to you. You choose the ending to your story. (:

Love. Forgive.
And be happy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Love Is Power

Under the conditions where you feel like you have no more fuel to carry on, where you feel like you are dead tired and you just want to give up. It is not the reminder of the consequences of not continuing the journey ahead that empowers you, it is the love and care of the person that roots for you and cheer you on. It is the love of that person that gives you a reason to continue the pain staking journey. Love gives strength.

Under the conditions where someone is against you no matter what. Having a heated argument solves nothing. If you fight back, it never ends. Fighting back gives that someone the reason to be even more against you. But if you treat him or her with love, their hatred will melt. No matter how much they try to stay on hating, they can't hate any further. Love subsides hate.

Under what conditions do you find love helpful?
Is it true that love always wins?

Think and maybe tag me about it on the tag board. (:

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Gotta Catch Buy'em All.

Expensive game.

Make Music With The Heavens.

It feels great to sing in a choir or an A-Capella. And it feels greater to know that people are actually willing to come together and commit themselves to form a group of ten or more for music.

It feels great to not walk my journey alone.

There will be a lot of road blocks in this bumpy road of music but limits are for determination and will power to break. And the only limitations are the ones you believe in.

So believe wisely.
Lets jiayou!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Finally summer holidays are here.
Not quite much of a holiday I guess,
More of a break and time to make notes and catch up.

Having a headache now..
But I am still going to esplanade later for a recording. (:
Hehe, love this kinda thing. Will go even if I am dying. :X

I need to control my drinking. I've been having sharp pains at the area where my liver is and I have quite a frequent dose of bloodshot eyes and nose bleeds. Sigh, hope it's nothing bad.

Anyways, to add a random thought to this post,
"Treat others as how you would treat yourself."

So if you feel that you are such a bitch, you would you hate yourself? I would. So does it mean that it is natural and okay to hate? I guess so.

But with hate comes anger and sorrows. Is it worth?
Maybe yes, maybe no... :/
Just a thought.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Virtual is not Reality.

I will pledge to spend less time in the virtual space and more time in reality.

How in the mind bombing world am I gonna get in touch with the universe by staying online?! Even a walk in the park is more productive!

Forgive and love.

Half A Year. (Sweetest Moments)

Half a year has gone by...
This year is definitely flying by.
So before I forget these moments (because I would be flooded with so much work), I better write them down!! *These things might or might not have happened to me.*

Moment #1:
"What's your name?"
"Cool, that's a nice name!"
"It's common."
"But you're not. You're very unique. (:"

Moment #2:
"If one day we grow old, and one is unable to hear and the other unable to speak, what would you do?"

"We will hold hands... And there will be a lot of love passing through us because you don't need speech or hearing to feel love."

Moment #3 (Grouped):
@6AM during random school mornings

"Tang, I love youuuu! / I LOVE YOU, CHINESEEE!"
@Random times

"NOO. You are mine. Grr XP"
@January 3rd

"Haha. We're too close already."
@27th May

There are soo soo soo many sweet moments in my half a year but these are the few that I can think of for the moment. I am sure each and everyone of you had brought a sweet moment into my life because just being my friend is sweet enough already. (:

There are more to come!
Maybe I will highlight sad moments too! XP