Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Pain No Gain.

The day I told myself that I would view this world positively and make happiness my piority was a day of change. And if it wasn't for the fact the I am down in the dumps, this change would not have occured.

Everything happens for a reason.

I have said that many times and I am not tired of saying it again because time after time I have found myself realising that negative events in the past actually have positive effects on the future. For example, if I didn't break up with my ex, I think I would still be wasting my life away by abusing myself. Not that it had anything to do with my ex (she's really nice) it was just me. And breaking up was a big wake up call to me. I felt like I suddenly lost everything because I built my future around her. But what it really was, was a new begining. Of course, at that point of time I didn't see this but now as I look back, I can tell that the way I react to things now is very different from the way I reacted to things before the break up.

This was mainly because of the amount of soul searching and advice I got from my friends during my lowest period. I was torn down and rebuild again. I have new view points about life and I am now stronger than I was before! I feel like I upgraded my os! Lol.

So yeah. Bad things happen for good reasons most of the time and in the next post, I will share with you my experience of losing my wallet. Yes, that happened for a good reason too.
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