Monday, October 3, 2011

Escape To Nature.

For the next 5 days, I won't be online and I will probably be out of contact 'cause I am going for a camp. To me, this camp is going to be something fun and, at the same time, challenging. I am back to face my worse fear of all, heights. And this time, I choose not to feel afraid.

Today I learnt from a workshop about See, Do, Get.

See refers to what you see yourself as.
In my case, I will see myself as a person who has no trouble with heights. I will conquer things related to height confidently, believe in myself and believe in the person who is belaying me.

Do refers to taking your role.
In my case, I will approach height related activities calmly and try to absorb my experience when I am doing the activity. Embrace the feelings other than fear (trust me, I know many other things I could be feeling than just being scared). I should be proactive to the activity, not reactive.

Get refers to what I will archive at the end.
They told me to always start with the end in mind and mine was to overcome heights so that the next time there is anything related to heights, I can embrace it proudly and even be a little excited about it. I think the only way to counter fear is to face it and I hope this camp will give me enough opportunities to overcome my fear.

I am excited about water activities though..
Can't wait to raft or canoe or whatever water related stuff they throw at me.

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