Sunday, October 9, 2011

Defused Bomb.

I am back from camp! And no lie, I feel like a defused bomb. I was so close to exploding, but I am glad I didn't. I have been in a similar situation before when I went for an immersion trip Bejing for 7 days and honestly, I was stressed out to the point whereby I didn't feel like eating and I felt like I am lost by the 3rd day. But this time it was that bad, I could still eat and stay positive. I just feel like I have just ran a marathon of endurance and I am happy that I have survived it.

Anyway, stress aside, I have learnt many things from the camp. It didn't have any high elements so that was a disappointment and the days were really long to me. But it was productive 'cause I realised a lot more about myself.

I realised that life is almost like a metal concert, you can choose to either shove/punch/kick and stand firm to your ground or get pushed to the back of the room and get beaten up. I am a person who only tells you my truthful opinion if you are my close friend. If you just knew me, I would probably just agree with you even if i really disagree to make peace.

White lies have consequences too. When I tell a white lie, I have to act as if the white lie was true and that is quite a big lie to hide for 4 days and 3 nights. If I want to do what I say I will do, I need to bring out the stubborn Taurus in me and start to stand firm on my opinions. This camp has taught me the price of not being firm and stubborn enough. But of course, I must also do the firm and stubborn thing politely.

This camp wasn't hell to me but it wasn't heaven either.
Nonetheless is was good experience.

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