Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time is money, but is money time?

Obviously, we can never buy time. Not for now at least. And once our time is spent, there's nothing we can do to earn it back.

Everyday we spend time. Second by second, hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Sometimes I look at my dad (a 55 year old man) and wonder if his concept of time was any different than mine. I mean, he has lived 55 years on this earth and that equals to so many many days! A day as compared to 55 years is so small... So is his way of viewing a day the same as mine or is it much faster or slower?

I feel that time is really sneaky. It moves really slowly when we are watching it, but zoom passes us like a ninja when we aren't. I think time is really mysterious in many ways because only now exists, but we feel like there's a just now, tomorrow, yesterday, and last week. But the truth is real, and only NOW exists, and if you don't live for NOW you might just be missing out on your entire life! Don't live for tomorrow! Or even worse, don't ever live for yesterday!

Yes, we should plan for our future, we should invest our time on our career and our future money. But money can never buy time. And if you missed the period of time where your friends still give a shit about you, your parents are still healthy and want to travel with you, and your girlfriend is still waiting for you to come online, money can NEVER mend back the broken relationships or buy back the time you lost with your loved ones.

Time is more than money.

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