Monday, October 18, 2010

City Of Evil.

This post has nothing to do with evil. However I would like to highlight a Youtube comment.
User A: "God is great. Without the bible, humans would lust and greed."
User B: "I do agree with your first statement. Ironically, however, people still lust and greed."

My personal opinion is that it is never realistic to correct someone by using words of a religion. I have been a Christian before and sometimes it is quite hard to keep in mind that people who I meet might not be of the same religion as I am. Especially when you are going to a church of over 24 thousand people.

But even then, I would rather people tell me things like, "Hey! Don't throw that aluminium can in the bin! Recycle it!" than "You better be straight or you're going to hell." In the past I would be like... "Hmm, whatever. Fuck you." Now I would just say... "Sorry, what's hell? My religion doesn't believe in hell."

Yeah, and so, I shall end here abruptly with a quote,
"The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up."

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