Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mysteries of the world.

"They were together for more than a year and broke up for just about 3 months! How can they take a picture together and hang out without feeling awkward?!?!"

As if I could answer that.

The Incite Mill - 7 Day Death Game [WORDS]

As we know it, blogger has a sense of humor when it comes to uploading pictures, so the pictures to this post are in the post before this one.

Before I say anything about the movie, I would like to wish ZHENGYI and OHXINYI a...


Without your birthday, I wouldn't have so much fun! :X Jk!

As for the movie, it was definitely a thriller. This movie involves a group of 10 people that are of different age groups and they are paid good money to do an "experiment". For seven days, these 10 people will stay in this isolated underground area that is nothing but safe. Within this seven days, eight out of ten people will die and their death could be murder or suicide. This is all part of the "experiment" and it will keep you in terrifying suspense. Not for the weak heart.

After the movie, we went to take pictures along orchard road and checked out 987's new studio! Although simple, this night out was super fun!

Pictures are below (in the post before this one)!

The Incite Mill - 7 Day Death Game [PICTURES]

Friday, October 29, 2010

Samhain (Pronounced as sow-en)

Another sabbat, but this time I won't be alone. I will just be accompanied by many others who will be dressed up like clones. And while others would be nothing like themselves, that is the day I truly get to be myself. There isn't much here I can explain. The more I say the more I get blamed. So here's a little poem that touches my heart. I hope you read it, for it is pure art. (:

'Twas the evening of Samhain, and all through the place
Were pagans preparing the ritual space.
The candles were set in the corners with care,
In hopes that the Watchtowers soon would be there.
We all had our robes on (as is habitual)
And had just settled down and were starting our ritual
When out on the porch there arose such a chorus
That we went to the door, and waiting there for us
Were children in costumes of various kinds
With visions of chocolate bright in their minds.
In all of our workings, we'd almost forgot,
But we had purchased candy (we'd purchased a LOT),
And so, as they flocked from all over the street,
They all got some chocolate or something else sweet.
We didn't think twice of delaying our rite,
Kids just don't have this much fun every night.
For hours they came, with the time-honored schtick
Of giving a choice: a treat or a trick.
As is proper, the parents were there for the games,
Watching the children and calling their names.
"On Vader, On Leia, On Dexter and DeeDee,
On Xena, on Buffy, Casper and Tweety!
To the block of apartments on the neighboring road;
You'll get so much candy, you'll have to be TOWED!"
The volume of children eventually dropped,
And as it grew darker, it finally stopped.
But as we prepared to return to our rite,
One child more stepped out of the night.
She couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen.
Her hair was deep red, and her robe, forest green
With a simple gold cord tying off at the waist.
She'd a staff in her hand and a smile on her face.
No make-up, nor mask, or accompanying kitsch,
So we asked who she was; she replied "I'm a witch.
And no, I don't fly through the sky on my broom;
I only use that thing for cleaning my room.
My magical powers aren't really that neat,
But I won't threaten tricks; I'll just ask for a treat."
We found it refreshing, so we gave incense cones,
A candle, a crystal, a few other stones,
And the rest of the candy (which might fill a van).
She turned to her father (a man dressed as Pan)
And laughed, "Yes, I know, Dad, it's past time for bed,"
And started to leave, but she first turned and said
"I'm sorry for further delaying your rite.
Blessed Samhain to all, and a magical night."

Happy Samhain (or Halloween for that matter).


I'm not going to be a rag doll no more.
You love me?
I must have been stupid to believe you.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why do I not post self-taken pictures on to my blog?

Assuming that you have a computer with a system the speed of a snail and a camera that takes quite high quality images. Blogging with pictures would simply be like the following:
  1. Start editing pictures
  2. Log into blogger.
  3. Select 5 pictures to upload
  4. Wait a thousand years.
  5. Wait another decade.
  6. 5 pictures uploaded.
  7. Upload your next 5 pictures!
  8. Wait a thousand years
  9. While waiting, get disconnected and cuss the heavens.
  10. And so the cycle continues....
Sigh, want to see pictures? Go to my Facebook.

Earth's National Anthem.

Haha, this is a pretty old advert but the beauty of mother earth really never gets old. I guess this place is good enough to be called heaven for me because I can't imagine anything better! Haha, sometimes it is good to be alone and present because only then you will notice there are very beautiful birds in the tree which is just outside your bedroom window. They chirp every morning but you are too occupied with your own life to actually take notice.

Simple pleasures in life.
You've gotta love it.

Some Advice.

People who know me well will know that I post a certain topic because something triggers me to be concern about it but oftentimes, it comes from myself. So any stupid can tell that now my main concern is love.

Truth is, I am no guru. I just think a lot and want to help. Therefore I post all these so-called 'inspiring' posts. They are not just for you to read but also for myself too. When I feel like running away or just plain angry about the world, I read my older post and regain that compassion that would help me be happier.

So today I have one simple advice for the friends who have not been in any relationships before or are in there first true relationship:

When you break up, be truthful to yourself. If you still have feelings for that certain someone, do not start flirting and dating with a gazillion other people because....
  1. It won't feel right kissing them.
  2. You will just end up breaking up with them cuz it doesn't feel right.
  3. It will obstruct your moving on process because....
  4. Now that you have a gazillion other people you have had feelings with,
  5. And when there is a certain special date like a suppose to be aniversary,
  6. You will start missing EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THEM. (Okay most of them)
  7. And then your heart will just start crumbling down.
  8. And it hurts.
  9. It hurts way more than your initial break up.
Don't let a series of mistakes pull you down. Be truthful to yourself. Just because you are single doesn't mean you are available. Now, I can safely say that I am single but unavailable. Not because I am awaiting for that certain someone to comeback, but just looking at my parents and myself, I have learnt that it is better to be single. Alone and happy is very safe and actually very possible.

Until I find someone that is really the 'only exception' that is.

PS: You've gotta love songs that sounds like they are made just for you.

Because Life Is Like This.

Ten years down the road, I will probably be married (hopefully with a woman) and will laugh at how I broke my heart so badly in the past. Then I would tell the young ones to be careful and they would brush me off and tell me to shut up because they are gonna last forever and I would just hope for the best.

But for now, the best remedy song is probably Elevator by David to remind me that live has its ups and downs. (:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Forgotten Date.

It's funny. Really. It seems like a dream. And I have awaken from this dream and now we are friends again - like nothing ever happened before.

Oftentimes I really wonder if you do remember about us. But then this day came... and you remembered.

So I guess it was real after all.

PS: If you don't get what I am typing, it's okay!

Sometimes you dream of the one you love and you know you really still love them but it can only stay there.
You wake up telling yourself that it is wrong to think about it but what your mind registers, your heart doesn't.
I am a self-betraying fool. Haha!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Faster Than I Thought

Time flies.

It doesn't feel like I have sat through 2 days of exams, but it sure is a fact. I am starting to feel that all the subjects I dread the most become more and more interesting and that understanding them wouldn't be as painful as I thought it would be.

It is always like this. You tend to treasure things more the second you are about to lose them. Tell me that I would miss the subjects I am now studying 5 months ago and I would think you are mad. It is like this - we learn as we continue our journey in life. The knowledge that we received would change the way we think but before we receive this knowledge, no one can change our mindset.

The end is just another new beginning.
Embrace the change.

This Is Not Love.

"Am I the first person you kissed?"
"No. But it is my first time kissing you."

Why are first kisses so important? Does subsequent kisses mean less love? This same question applies to old-fashioned parents and virgin membranes. Does a non-virgin woman worth less than a virgin one? Or is it simply because they are 'shelved' as 'second-hand goods'? Why does society price us this way??

And most importantly,
Why do some people still follow this stupid concept?

After all, how many first kisses do we all have? One. We can't please everyone! Unless you want to kiss only after marriage (that's stupid). Sigh, whatever, let angry people be angry.

If someone ever breaks up with you because you don't share a first kiss with them then they probably don't really love you anyhow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Find Love, Fast.

Somewhere in our lives, we have been rudely interrupted by puberty that takes us on a whole new level of thinking. We start to understand and discover the magic of love and some constantly search for it. They would try to get close to every person they think is right for them and try to spark something off, desperate to feel loved again. However, I do not blame them. For they see love as fishes see water, without love, they cannot live.

When someone loves another person wholeheartedly, they are giving the person the power to break their heart but yet trust them not to. Oftentimes, this trust gets broken and the relationship comes to a painful end.

After the end of the relationship, the search for love would most likely continue and the cycle would begin again. This leaves people with the common question, "Where is he/she?" and "When will he/she come into my life?". They fail to notice that while they can try their luck and search for love, this method is draggy and it will most likely 'kill the love in you' (you give up and think that no one loves you, which is obviously not true).

So now I will reveal the secret of finding love, fast.....
It is simple. All you need to do is...........................
...... Stop searching.

When you trust that you will find your match and leave it to the stars and cosmos to do the job, you will find love before you know it. It will come as a surprise and brighten up your life instead of just filling in the missing hole in your heart. This simple concept of not waiting will help you move on with life confidently and independently. You will not be less aware of being single, but you have accepted yourself as single and that is the beauty of it.

And one more thing,
Treat every relationship like your first.
(After all, it is your first relationship with that person.) ^^

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Passing You A Smile.

This is from me to everyone who reads this post.
No matter who you are, you have probably made my smile in someways.
So, enjoy this video and I hope it makes you smile too.

Credits to the creative minds of the creator.

The Art Of Nothingness

In our lives, many people try to cram as many things into a few hours as humanly possible. They complain about traffic lights, long bus waits and slow computers and they believe that if they have a few extra hours a day, they would treat them differently. What would they spend those extra hours on? Definitely not on nothing. So, along with their busy life, their focus are always on the external world. They spend more time with the rest of the world than they ever would with themselves. In fact, many of us are so busy, we somehow forget that we are living-beings!

Therefore, the next time there is a jam, a long bus wait or a late friend, spend some time with yourself. Don't complain or fuss about it. Take time to notice yourself on the inside. Take time to be really present in the situation and look around like you have never seen the place before. Instead of constantly avoiding the wait, try to enjoy the wait and give yourself the chance to have a feel of nothingness.

Only when you have done it will you realise that it is actually quite relaxing.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ego vs Self-Esteem.

I have always encouraged people to love, respect and accept themselves. Self love is a very important mentality we all should have as it gives us an optimistic view of the world and allow us to have a healthy amount of confidence and self-esteem. However, I have come to notice that, while some people and self-loving, they tend to look down on others while doing it. They so love themselves they feel superior to others. This is called ego.

Both ego and self-esteem comes from thought, and the thought comes from both the collective thoughts of our society and within ourselves. Collective thoughts of our society tells us what we ought to be. Thoughts within ourselves tell us what we are and whether to agree with the thoughts of people around us. This thought process within ourself is the factor that determines whether we are just high in self-esteem or pure ego.

As I said at the start of this post, ego is actually just self-esteem plus feeling superior to others. It is good to know how to tell the difference between constructive criticism and insults but people who are ego will classify every criticism they get as an insult. They do not heed the advice of people around them and tend to think that everyone is just nuts and they are the best. The only people who aren't nuts is the ones that praise them and feed their ego. They put on thick veils of ego and look at the world, wondering, "Hmm.. Why is it so dark in here?"

If you are asking, "So, what advice have you got for ego people?" I don't have any. What is the point of giving them advice when they do not take it anyway? I could only hope that they fall hard on their heads (figuratively) someday and see the truth that they have never noticed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Same Things Different Thoughts.

I was talking to a friend today about elevators. We both have a thing in common, when we step into an elevator, our imagination runs wild and we would imagine things like being stuck in a elevator in total darkness or having an encounter with spirits. When we see elevators, we see fear.

However, I have seen kids totally elated by elevators. Perhaps they like the pressure and tingle they receive when the elevator travels, or they like pushing the buttons on the panels. When they see elevators, they see pleasure and fun.

How can one same thing be looked at so differently? I think that is a very questionable thought. Maybe we don't see things as what they actually are. Instead, we see things as what we are. Our thoughts and experiences reflects in the way we view the world.

This is actually a good thing as it means that we are able to alternate the way we view an item. Instead of seeing an elevator as a scary place, we can view it as a machine that takes people to different levels and many people have benefited from it. We can be thankful for the technology knowing that we can arrive on a level without exhausting ourselves.

Maybe this could be a way of overcoming our fears...


This is a famous man and his name is Unknown.
He is also commonly known as "Anonymous".

This is the man that is responsible for 85% of the quotes on the internet and 95% of hate tags and another 99% of hacks, bugs and viruses. With all these, you can tell that a man of such a simple name is not living a very simple life.

Sometimes he is also known as "Nobody" and therefore is claimed to be perfect and is responsible for the things untold.

For example,

"Nobody is perfect."
"Nobody said that you could go out!"

He is a cover for the uncredited and a sheet for the cowards.
He is used worldwide.
And I think he deserves a bit of credit.


Monday, October 18, 2010


"I LOVE Eminem!"
"I like skittles better..."
"No, the rapper, idiot..."
"Your the idiot, what's so good about M&M wrappers?!"

What starts with F and ends with UCK? THATS RIGHT! FIRETRUCK. Well what starts with P and ends with ORN? Thats Right Popcorn!

"Did you just fall?"
"No, I attacked the floor."
"Yes, I'm freaking talented."

A p*nis has a sad life. His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbour is an a**hole, his bestfriend is a p*ssy and his owner beats him!

*Lovers close the bedroom door*
Mother: why are you shutting the door.

Please please tag. It's super empty. ):

City Of Evil.

This post has nothing to do with evil. However I would like to highlight a Youtube comment.
User A: "God is great. Without the bible, humans would lust and greed."
User B: "I do agree with your first statement. Ironically, however, people still lust and greed."

My personal opinion is that it is never realistic to correct someone by using words of a religion. I have been a Christian before and sometimes it is quite hard to keep in mind that people who I meet might not be of the same religion as I am. Especially when you are going to a church of over 24 thousand people.

But even then, I would rather people tell me things like, "Hey! Don't throw that aluminium can in the bin! Recycle it!" than "You better be straight or you're going to hell." In the past I would be like... "Hmm, whatever. Fuck you." Now I would just say... "Sorry, what's hell? My religion doesn't believe in hell."

Yeah, and so, I shall end here abruptly with a quote,
"The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

LOL Of The Day.

"These raindrops as they fall, they tell a story.."

"Transpiration, evaporation and condensation?"

"No, it's a song lyric dumbass."

HAHA, I guess no matter how down low you are, there are still people with the freaking awesome ability to make you laugh. (:

Now if you don't mind I shall pretend to play electric guitar with my acoustic guitar (plugged into an amp so that it sounds electric) and drown myself in music.

I used to drown myself in alcohol instead. Well, I guess people do change. (Esp after they see someone and tell themselves that they would never want to be like them.)

I Am A Happy Person.

Well, used to.

It's better to not like someone.
And that's why I am leaving the thoughts behind.

I want to be happy again. (:

Pretend I Said Nothing.

I'm bleeding crimson regret and self-betrayal.
Your presence lingers here
And it won't leave me alone.
Now I'm trapped in the fear of loving you.

I'm nothing but a coward in love,
A puppet of my heart.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sick and Sad.

I don't know why but I am pretty depressed lately. Its like this rush of negativity trying to swallow me up. I am pessimistic, and sick, and I cannot breath, sleep or eat properly. My worst fear is that I would go back and become that self hurting, suicidal freak again.

Somehow, after much thought, I decided not to believe in love at all and just simply stay single forever (one of my signs of pessimism) because I have heard this far too many times:

"I don't know, I really like him, but its not like I want to marry him y'know?"

And it makes me wonder, why get in a relationship that will cause hurt in the end anyway? I guess all relationships would end someday. Even after marriage, death may occur. So if I look at it this way, why get into a relationship anyway? Then I can meet my ex-girlfriend without having to explain to someone and I can have more time to myself, my dogs and nature. Right? But it is nice to be loved.

Sigh. Ultimately, I blame the stress and the whatever virus that hit me. It must be driving me crazy. And I miss my friends. I miss playing monopoly deal and winning and having angry friends throwing monopoly money at me every time I issue a rent card.

Haha. Oh well. Take life as is goes.
Call me a coward but love really hurts.

PS: The next time someone breaks up with you because they think they are causing you too much pain, laugh and tell them, "The pain doesn't end like this, silly." And walk away.

I Must Study.

I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Last Card.

As the teacher called my name, I received my report card from her hands. There was no tension and anxiety as I already knew how I've faired. I opened my report book and slot the last card in and smiled.

The past four years had been more thrilling than a bungee jump, far more dramatic than a soap opera and way more confusing than a cave but somehow, I survived.

Looking through my report book, I noticed certain fluctuations in my results and realised that they spoke loudly about my situation at that period of time.

Secondary 1 was a slack and easy-going year. The year where you go, "Aha! I am in secondary school. I am a cool kid now." This is also a year where simply listening to the teachers can ensure you a grade B.

Secondary 2, the news spread like wild fire about the fact that I was not straight. Although I pretty much don't have a social circle in school, I was in a relationship. Lucky me, I dated someone way above my standards when it comes to school work (which somehow made me want to catch up and study hard), so I guess thats how I got 3-4 grade A(s) for the all the 4 terms.

Then secondary 3 came hard on me. The subjects were more complicated and my grades sky-dived without a parachute. It was only the first term and I received my first F9. It was a slap in the face. What I thought was impossible actually happened. I flung almost every one of my subjects by term 2. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, my relationship fell apart and I was pretty much a zombie. But thank the Goddess, someone inspiring came into my life and he is known as Mr. Darius Lim, my conductor. Through the music pieces he composed, he spoke to me messages that couldn't be put into words. Messages like how life should be treasured and how I am not the only lonely one. He had no clue about what I am going through, but somehow, I am able to relate to these choral pieces and I fell in love with my CCA once again. My grades came back in red during the last semester.
L1R4 Aggregate: 32
L1R5 Aggregate: 41
Promotion Status: Retained at S3 Express Advanced to S4 Express *Miss Aljunied's signature*
That was the longest promotion status I have ever seen.

Secondary 4. I made quite a lot of friends, my social circle was growing rapidly and my ego grew with it. I felt that I was less humble and way stronger than anyone but that only lasted half a year. "This feeling like a superstar shit is pretty cool, but I need to study." I told myself. I made decisions, some were right, some were wrong but on the whole, I guess I made the right decision. because my grades shot up and I can have a glimpse of my grade A(s) again. Not very fantastic results, but I am still working hard!
L1R4 Aggregate: 17
L1R5 Aggregate: 25

Promotion Status:
Nobody knows.

Jimmy Sullivan - A7X Dummer

The Rev "Seized the Day" to conquer the "City of Evil" in "Bat Country", and forced the "Beast and the Harlot" to "Scream" their "Unholy Confessions". He left them "Trashed and Scattered" and "Blinded In Chains" with the "Strength of the World". He found it "Almost Easy" and became a "Sidewinder" and slithered to "A Little Piece of Heaven" in his "Afterlife", now he is "M.I.A." and his "Nightmare" has come to pass. RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, you're gone but NEVER forgotten!

I am a little late with the news, but its never too late for gratitude I guess.

Known as The Reverend, Jimmy died less than a year ago (28th December 2009) due to accidental overdose of painkillers with alcohol. Nevertheless, he is one of the best drummers in the world and is one of the great talents that the world should never forget.

2009 was a tragic year. Sigh.

505 Internal server error

"Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys are dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, show them this information.

*Random gibberish*"


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Everybody's Fool - Evanescence

Look here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
"Oh how we love you."
no flaws when you're pretending

But now i know she never was and never will be
"You don't know how you've betrayed me
and somehow you've got everybody fooled."

without the mask where will you hide?
can't find yourself lost in your lie

I know the truth now
I know who you are
and I don't love you anymore

It never was and never will be
you're not real and you can't save me
somehow now you're everybody's fool

Advertisements are lies.
Crazy, brainwashing, dark lies.

PS: Music video of the song in the post before this post.


I went to some award ceremony last Sunday and the adults were really nice. They tried to start conversations with me and noticed that the most common (and only) pick up line they have for people my age is, "Hey! So are you going to the K-pop concert?" And my reaction would be, "Nope, I am not into K-pop." And they would sorta move on and talk about studies (which is a topic that I have more to say about).

I guess it is safe to say that in Singapore, about 90% of the teens have turned their attention to pop music or hip-hop. Y'know, the love and sex and magic shit. I find that acceptable but never as good as rock or metal music. So heres something different on the top 10 list (okay, make that top 5).

1. Everybody's Fool - Evanesence

2. Streets - A7X

3. The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

4. Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless

5. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco

(The embedding was disabled by request.)
I find this music video the most enjoyable but unfortunately it has copyrights.

Take a listen and I hope you enjoy them!

PS: I want to start a rock band. (After olevels duh.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I might have shown this photo on my blog before but I'd like you to meet Gabriella, my freaking awesome Yamaha CPX-500 Guitar, and I am proud to say I have never regretted buying this. :D

Oh, and thats Mitchell behind, my Casio PX-700 E-piano. Love that too. :D

Monday, October 4, 2010

I love Kate!

Kate made my day again!
LOL, funny stuff.

PS: Why are there weird people posting on my tagboard?!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Unless you promise you won't break hearts....

"Err.. I love you."
"Yeah, me too."
"No, I love myself."

Hahahaha, it's funny to see you disappointed.
Although I'm sure you didn't enjoy it as much as I did.
So I am here to say I am sorry and I hope we are still friends.

PS: You are really really brave.

Single Vs. In a relationship.

If you play with fire, chances are, you will get burn. However, fire is an essential part of our daily living (even though we don't usually see it in raw form). So do we still use fire or just eat raw meat?

Most people would still take the risk and turn on their lights, start their car engines or cook a meal. So it isn't surprising that people still think about love and relationships even when it chains them up and shatter their hearts. They believe that it won't happen again next time.

But sometimes, you just gotta accept the fact that it is beyond your control and nothing is perfect.

Sigh, please save the high hopes from falling.

Friday, October 1, 2010


The truth is there all along. But now that you take notice, it becomes so prominent, you can't avoid it. Sometimes its just good to not know. Maybe ignorance is really bliss.

Yes, I have changed.
But for the better.

PS: To kill the tension in this post, I have decided to tell you something funny. I was watching a TV drama just now and there was a funeral scene where there were bouquets of flowers... And one of the bouquet actually had "CONGRATULATIONS" written in bubble letters. Lol, the director's a downright idiot.