Saturday, March 3, 2012


As the sunlight shown brightly into my bedroom despite my closed curtains, I knew it was way pass 8am. Maybe even 9. I dragged myself to the side of my bed to take a look at the time. 9.30am. Tiredness convinced me to rest my eyes for another minute.

Maybe it was the long walk home from Serangoon last night that caused me to feel so lethargic. Usually I would feel wide awake by 9am no matter what time I sleep. I remembered how my mom used to watch TV until 2am and I wouldn't be able to sleep till then as I am very sensitive to light. But this morning, the sun seemed to have no effect on me. I opened my eyes. 10am.

Fortunately, my activities planned for the day didn't need me to wear anything fancy. I wore a dark blue dry-fit tee and a pair of black basketball shorts and headed downstairs to fill up my bottle. I was hoping I could get a lift from my mom but she wasn't at home. I fed my pets in a hurry and left.

The sky looked cloudy, perfect weather for a day at the park if it doesn't rain. I read Hunger Games as I waited for the bus. The book gets more and more interesting after the halfway mark. I am in awe of what words in a book could make you imagine and the places they'd take you. I struggled to get on the bus, book and wallet on one hand and roller-blades on the other.

I am meeting my friends, Shaw and Weijian, at Bishan to go to the gym together. Then after that, we were planning to head to the park to roller-blade, or cycle, or fly-kite (depending on our areas of interest). Guangyi and Zixing was planning to tag along as well but soon, the weathers twisted our plans. It started to drizzle. Shaw and I were too tired from yesterday's walk to head to the gym and the weather doesn't seem promising for roller-blading. We decided to cancel all plans and head to my house.

Nothing much happened from there. I read Hunger Games with Shaw and we discussed a little about the book. The day was uneventful but somehow fulfilling for me as I have practiced the piano and finished the first book of Hunger Games.

All I can say is, Hunger Games is really amazing and addictive.
It keeps you lingering in their fantasy world of capitol, the districts, and the Mockingjays.

It's saddens me that Mockingjays don't really exist.
Maybe they do, maybe they are called parrots.

Tonight, I need sleep.

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