Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Future Plans.

Recently, my life has been pretty much settled down. I finally know what I want to do. My aim in psychology is to work with hospice. It's not a path that many people choose to do, but I feel a calling for it. Plus, it is the area where musical therapy is greatly used. So yeah, that's my goal. I believe that death is as important and life. Dying in peace is something that everyone should have right to. The quality of death, determines a person's quality of life. If someone dies thinking that he is a burden and that his family has all left him to die because he is useless, it will affect his way of thinking about his life. He would feel unaccomplished and sad. I don't know what happens after death, but I feel that, just because a person is going to die, doesn't mean that we should ignore his psychological needs. I hope to work with hospice but things always don't turn out the way we want it to be in life, so if all things fail, I have a backup plan. The military.

Look, I love Singapore okay? I know some think that it sucks being in Singapore because it's a Pay And Pay country, but I feel secure here. If I had a choice, I would get my psychology degree in NUS and work in Singapore. I want to stay here forever. Of course, I don't mind going out of sg to work for a few months and stuff, but to give up my citizenship as a Singaporean isn't something that I will do. I love how I have minimal worries on getting killed when I come home at 3 am, I love how the education here is world recognized, I love how we seldom need to worry about lack of food supply, our streets are clean, our transport systems are quite efficient, I love my kopi-o-siew dai, teh-c, diao-he and so on... Of course, there are lots to complain about this country, but I still love it the way it is. And if I can't fulfill my degree in psychology when I grow up, I will gladly join SAF to serve the country. "What's there to fight for?" You may ask. "It's not like anyone is gonna start a war with Sg!" Our country is pretty rich and successful, so you never know if anyone out there is a little jealous at us. Plus, no one owes Singapore a living. If we don't take full responsibility to protect ourselves, no one would.

Anyway, being in the military has been one of my childhood dreams. So I really don't mind actually! Hahaha!

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