Sunday, June 10, 2012

Roller Coaster Ride.

This is for the month of May.

This month, I put my heart on a roller coaster ride and I learnt a lot. Yes, it was an unwise move but life didn't come with an instructional manual and 50 years from now, many people will be more regretful of the things that they had not done than the things that they have.

This month, I found out that I have a heart.
I found out that I can suffer from a fall.
I found out who to not trust.
I found out that some times you wouldn't consciously know when your heart decides to put itself in the hands of another person.
I found out that some people who seem really happy on the outside are really sad inside.
And lastly, I found out that we should just hide all our sorrows or only share them with certain people cuz no one gives a sh*t and some are probably even happy that your life is so fucked up.

It's always easier drown in your own sympathy and say that your life's like shit, but I advice you to keep your heads up! Someone else would gladly take your place in life and work their way out of your rut because they see hope in it.

While you are blinded by self-pity, someone else might see hope in your life. Take the point of view from that person and face life with your heads up! Because when the grass looks greener on the other side, it's time you watered your own grass.

The past is the past and somethings that you did can't be undone. You can only let it go. There is only so much weight you can carry. Let go of some weight, then you will be able to move further in life.

You didn't remember the day it happened. I trusted your words with my heart.But now I know, you don't mean the things you say.Now I know not to take you seriously anymore.

You taught me the importance of sincerity,
Sincerity is the weight of the words.

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