Saturday, June 16, 2012

Project Willpower: Please help me?

I am excited to tell you that I have decided to take on an 8 week challenge which I would call Project Willpower. I think it's no secret that I have been trying very hard to lose weight and I am really really tired of getting results so slowly! Therefore, I feel that determination and consistency is key.

Though these 8 weeks, there will be times that I am busy or less motivated to continue with this project because in these 8 weeks, I will have projects submissions, I will have assignments, I might move house, I am going to learn how to drive, and I am going to take piano classes again. These changes might tick me off and strip me of my discipline to stay true to my program. This is where I need YOUR help.

I will update you on my weight and how I look every week (on Sunday) with a post beginning with "Project Willpower" if you ever catch me not posting on a Sunday, please be a friend and check on me. Maybe scold me a little. Hahaha, I might hate you for it, but in the long run, I will love you.

Okay, enough about me! Let me tell you how this challenge is gonna work. This program consists of the following:

 1) At LEAST 30mins of workout a day.
 2) The zero willpower eating technique. (go google it!)
 3) Sleep tracking. 7-8 hrs of sleep a day.
 4) Alcohol cannot be taken more than once a week.
 5) Sunday's a rest & blog day.

I have been through many different diets and workout plans, I have seeked trainers and joined gym memberships but I think the only thing that is keeping me from my goal is inconsistency. That's why I came up with this program. And your job is to force me to be consistent! So please, torture me as much as possible.

I will not cheat. I will not lie. If I screw up, I will blog about it. And if I really screwed it up, I will do the whole 8 weeks all over again.

This time I am determined to see results.
This time there is no turning back.

Let the transformation begin!

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