Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Removing The Label

Sometimes people like to give themselves labels. It gives them something to follow. It answers questions like who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose, and how am I suppose to behave. I am not saying that it is wrong to have a label, in fact, I too have a few labels. Sometimes labels give us a sense of security, sometimes they give us mixed feelings.

Recently I have decided to rename my introduction section of my blog. I changed it from "The Butch" to "I Am". The butch is a huge label. And like how some labels at the back of the clothing can bother you sometimes, this label, "Butch" has been prickling me for sometime now.

When searched on google, the word 'Butch' is defined as this:


Manlike or masculine in appearance or behavior, typically aggressively or ostentatiously so.
A mannish lesbian, often contrasted with a more feminine partner.

Yes, there is no doubt that I am a boyish female lesbian, however being defined this way makes me feel restricted because I am putting a label on myself and restricting myself from experiencing things that feminine females would experience. I would want to put on nail polish, but I stop and think, "Nah, that's so feminine." or "Omg, if I wear pink, would other girls think that I am not manly enough?". These are just some examples. Other stereotype that follows this label are, "You are suppose to be faster than me! You are a butch leh!" (says a feminine female). I had to highlight his because it is funny how my choice of physical appearance has changed people's perception of my biological make up! Haha.

I am a girl after all and people tend to forget that but I don't blame them for it. My voice is lower than most females and I am bulkier than most females too. I don't mind dudes treating me like a bro, but it kinda hurts when girls treat me like a male too. I will never be a male or a boyfriend. Comparing me and another dude is like comparing a lamp to a speaker. The speaker gives you music while the lamp gives you light. They both are useful, but if you choose to compare the speaker to the lamp and judge them by their ability to give light, then the speaker won't stand a chance!

We all have our own quality and it's okay that they don't match any label or stereotype. Labels are for clothing and let's just leave it at that. :)

"I am who I am"

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