Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Not A Thinker.

I think, I think. Lol, get it?

I thought that I was a thinker. Someone that gave much thought about life's experiences. Someone that knew what was going on even when people in the situation don't. But though these few days, I realised that I'm not that much of a thinker.

I'm not saying that I don't think at all, I'm just saying that I don't understand everything that happens like I think I do. I screw up too. And I should forgive myself for that.

These two weeks has been a struggle for me as I battle my own thoughts. I wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't for the people around me that gave me different points of views.

In the wise words of Albert Einstein, "You can never solver a problem on the same level which it was created." I'm sure he was referring to something about physics, but what he said applies to real life as well. And sometimes, the only way to go on to a different level is with the help of someone else. When someone shares their point of view of your situation, it's like an eye-opener. You get that "ah ha!" moment which you can never get if you kept the problem to yourself. I don't know about you, but I always get these "ah ha!" moments when I share my problems, which is why I feel that I am not that much of a thinker after all.

Now don't get pressurized, when I share with you my problems, I am not expecting great advice. Just the feeling of someone else understanding my struggle actually helps me relax a little. As long as someone I trust is willing to listen, I am happy.

I am grateful to have such friends.

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