Tuesday, February 22, 2011


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Confidence is believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you. This is something we should all keep in mind in this competitive world because when everyone is competing for something, there sure are people who will look down on you and it doesn't help if you look down on yourself too.

I personally think that confidence is a form of self-respect because having confidence means that you are not looking down on yourself. If you think you are pretty much useless and good for nothing, everyone else around you will be convinced that you are useless and good for nothing! Why label yourself that when you are obviously good at something? Disagree with that? Well, then just be good at being yourself! And THAT is actually a true talent! Look at the number of people that have been led astray by superficial things and popularity... The number of people who focus on beauty but not health... The number of people that care too much about how people look at them... DO NOT value yourself according to how people look at you, the only thing that matters is how you value yourself. You are who you are and you need not change who you are to please others.

Because at the end of the day, the most important thing in life is not losing yourself.

Everyone is made different and unique. It doesn't matter even if you are the loner in class or a failure in studies as long as you have tried your best, have confidence in yourself and you will do something big in your life.

But take note, it's being confidence that I stressed, not being cocky. Lol!

Now, go ahead and make Simon Cowell cry!

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