Sunday, February 27, 2011

Think You're Talentless?

Every single piece of diamond starts out as a worthless piece of coal....
Every single piece of coal has a chance of becoming a diamond.

Never EVER underestimate yourself.

Sketching Frenzy.

Here's my drawing of Ryu from Street Fighter!

I was bored last night and my right brain was itching so I decided to draw stuff. I also drew "L" from Death Note... You can see it in my Facebook album "Random Sketches". I will be posting more sketches on Facebook if I happen to sketch something nice!

I don't know about you guys but drawing has always been my favourite thing to do as a kid, I remembered how people would take out some foolscap and start drawing stuff when they are bored during primary school. Sigh, good times.

Haha, okays. I am just being really random here! People who are done with the O'levels, go sketch, read, play, do something that you like!! It's the holidays for us and it won't remain as the holidays for long! So PLAY HARD!!! \m/

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Been thinking a lot about someone recently...

But I seriously think it really is a waste of time...
Why am I gonna publish this post anyway?
But somehow I have published it.

So here you go.
This is a pointless post from a love sick girl whose person she is love sick over doesn't even know she is love sick about her. However, she is not gonna tell that person that she loves her, simply because she is too confused and afraid of love.

Staying single is plain and painless.
Plain and painless is peaceful.
I should probably stick with that.

"If she loves you she would say it, if she trust you she would do it, if she wants you she would show it, if she needs you she would prove it, if she doesn't she not worth it."

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Short Quote From Myself....

"I don't know what's the happiest way to live my life, but I know it is definitely not by constantly judging myself." - JT

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Susan Boyle FTW!


Before you start reading, click here:

Confidence is believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you. This is something we should all keep in mind in this competitive world because when everyone is competing for something, there sure are people who will look down on you and it doesn't help if you look down on yourself too.

I personally think that confidence is a form of self-respect because having confidence means that you are not looking down on yourself. If you think you are pretty much useless and good for nothing, everyone else around you will be convinced that you are useless and good for nothing! Why label yourself that when you are obviously good at something? Disagree with that? Well, then just be good at being yourself! And THAT is actually a true talent! Look at the number of people that have been led astray by superficial things and popularity... The number of people who focus on beauty but not health... The number of people that care too much about how people look at them... DO NOT value yourself according to how people look at you, the only thing that matters is how you value yourself. You are who you are and you need not change who you are to please others.

Because at the end of the day, the most important thing in life is not losing yourself.

Everyone is made different and unique. It doesn't matter even if you are the loner in class or a failure in studies as long as you have tried your best, have confidence in yourself and you will do something big in your life.

But take note, it's being confidence that I stressed, not being cocky. Lol!

Now, go ahead and make Simon Cowell cry!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi, I am just here to say...


Actually, every day of our lives can be awesome. Just do something to make it awesome! :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coping with loss.

Recently I have been thinking about losing things... Like, what if Taylor (my bike) gets stolen? What if my dog dies? What if I get attached, fall in love and then in up in a heart wrenching break up again? Will I be able to cope with it?

The fear of losing things has always been with me since I was young. I, being the crazy JJ fan that I was last time, always bought 2 or more JJ merchandises EACH just in case I lose them. I remembered spending 400 bucks on JJ merchandises for his 2006 Tour! That was really extremely crazy and now that I look back I feel like I wasted a lot of money.

Later when I grow up, I learnt that change is the only thing constant and that we must accept change because we can never avoid it. Losing an item or a life is also considered as a change and we must accept it.

I think the only way to cope with loss is to look at everything as a part of the universe. I am a part of the universe, my dogs are a part of the universe and all my future dogs are too a part of the universe. So I didn't really lose my grandma or anything, they are still within the universe, just in different forms or places.

Life goes on even after you lose something important. What happens in the future can never change what you once had! Never lose hope in making your life a fulfilling and joyous one. (:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Forget it!!!

I didn't do the video thing. I am just no good at it. But someday, I shall make one!!!! So today, I am gonna wake my blog up with a totally casual and non-inspirational post.

CNY was okay. I had fun going to my friend's house. Laughed a hell lot. Got some ang baos. It was a typical CNY for me. Except the fact that my mom insisted on going to Sentosa for some flower exhibition which made me queue for an hour before I got on the Sentosa Express train because of the god dammed crowd! But the beauty of nature is actually quite worth the wait. I got some good shots. CNY was alcohol free cuz I pulled both my hamstrings.

I actually spent my Valentine's Day training with Guangyi and Shaw at Bishan Stadium! LOL. Then Guangyi went off for Jubeat with his cousin and I, a Jubeat addict, surprisingly did not follow. So Shaw and I went to walk around and explore Bishan. Trained plus played at this fitness corner and realised that my tuck-jump can actually be improved if I jump over the high push-up bars! And I also learnt a new exercise called the spring up.

Today, we wanted to swim, but shaw was too tired for it, so we just slacked around at the pool. and played water catching. Water catching was super tiring!! I am constantly trying to chase guangyi, but my movements are slowed by the water!! LOL. It is a cardio plus resistance training. Then I went to get a new bike!! (Shh, my parents don't know a shit) I am gonna name my bike, Taylor. Haha, I am super happy with it. It's locked and parked away safely and I hope nothing happens to it.

It's total defence day!!! WHERE IS MY GREEN BEAN SOUP?!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011



An I am loving fate. (:
Same school as Shawleong and Guangyi!
Happy as hell~~