Friday, August 31, 2012

Life in General.

Recently, I have been having many thoughts about myself. And most of these thoughts are between the heart and the mind. I realised that up till the day that I die, I will be living life on a trial an error basis because there is no one right answer to life and there's no way to turn back and change a wrong answer.

On a random note, I really like bishan park. Lol. Gonna jog there more often.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


This year I have learnt that once you stop doing something, it is as good as you've never started. Taekwondo, piano, choir... These are the things I feel that I shouldn't have stopped. However, I couldn't prevent not stopping choir since SP didn't have choir. but I really really missed being in choir. And no matter how you can't hear GYSS choir when they sing (somehow), I still miss being in it.

Today I was with my Taekwondo people at Bishan CC for a National Day Celebration and GYSS choir performed. And to my surprise, I couldn't recognize anyone anymore!! I fel
t like I was never in the choir. It's sad but true... I think the choir will never be what I remember it as ever again. When I graduated, my conductor left, and I think it was quite a bad timing because if my conductor stayed, I think I would still be in the choir even though I had my O's!

But old things have to go for the new ones to take it's place.
My batch was a unique batch but this new batch is their's to treasure.

And as for taekwondo and piano, these are skills that will disappear after you quit. Of course there will be a base that remains, but if you don't practice these skills for years, you are just slightly better than the pure beginner.

I'm not expecting myself to do ALL of these things intensely, but I hope that I can just do a little of each everyday.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Looking back.

You can't remember everything you've said or done. That's why it's good to keep a blog and sort out your thoughts. Whether people read this or not doesn't matter to me. In fact, I personally believe that no one ever reads my blog and that's why I get so shocked when people talk about my blog to me!

I used to do motivational posts. And I still wish to do so because writing helps me find the light in my dim situations. It helps me sort my thoughts and when I'm sad or stuck, I just look back at what I've said and see if it helps me or not.

This is a short paragraph I stumbled upon when looking back:

"Everything happens for a reason. If it wasn't because of the things that happened in the past, you wouldn't be at this state today. Whether your current state is good or bad, you are in it for a reason too. 
Since everything happens for a reason, you happened for a reason too. You have a role and purpose on this Earth and that is to be YOU. Everyone on this Earth is different and unique in their own ways. Some are fat some are skinny, some and generous and some are stingy. You are you for a reason and it's okay to be different. " - September, 2011
Life has been stressful for me lately but I have been taking it with a ton of positivity and managing it as well as I can. I think it will be awhile until I write posts like this again... but until then, you can randomly read my old posts! Hahah