Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Okay. I am sorry that the title of this post is a little bit too enthu, but the reason why it is all in caps is because if you say "Aim to win." in a very dull tone, it just doesn't sound aggressive enough to win. ><

Not very recently, I read a book which has a little content about a samurai's way of life. Basically, back in the day, a samurai is a Japanese swordsman. They constantly kill and are constantly wanted killed, so their lives are in danger most of the time. This makes them thankful for every sunrise. They treasure every second of their life so that they die with no regrets. This mentallity has helped the samurai to do everything to the best of his ability and not take life for granted.

I think many of us take life for granted. Chances are given to us but we do not treasure. If we all had the samurai's mentality in the things we do, then maybe we will have lesser regrets. Live every second to it's fullest!!!

Give your best shot.
Don't aim to pass.. Aim to win!
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