Sunday, January 29, 2012

For those who are facing unpleasant change..

Give up the life you planned for the life that's waiting for you.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Things Silence Can Mean

1. Love
2. Hate
3. Anger
4. Sorrow
5. Awkwardness
6. Unfamiliarity
7. Familiarity (The silence of a 90 year old couple)
8. Peace
9. Avoidance
10. Fear
11. In-thought
12. Satisfaction
13. Anticipation
14. Tension
15. Blank
16. Tiredness
17. Unwell
18. Bliss
19. Death
20. Discipline
21. Etc.

Silence holds some kind of magic...

We can feel emotions without saying anything...
And so, through silence, messages are passed.

Silence isn't very silent after all.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't run away.

It's been awhile since my last blog post. there are many things I wanted to post but I didn't in the end, so I forgot. Sigh, I think I might want to start posting everyday. Anyways, this is one of the things I wanted to share with you. It's a Youtuber called FartWithHeadPhonesOn and in some of her videos, she gives pretty good advice on how to cope with life.

In this particular video, she talks about embarrassing moments and how to cope with them.

Honestly, I have a lot of embarrassing moments. Some still continues to bother me until today! Believe it or not, these embarrassing memories can really spoil your confidence and affect the way you think about yourself. So keeping these embarrassing memories won't do good for yourself!! In her video, she mentioned the following steps that will help you let go of your embarrassing memories whenever it pops up:

1. Observe how you feel.
2. Smile.
3. Forgive yourself.

I think it's important to not push away our thoughts. In one of my psychology class, I learn that the more we try not to think about something, the more we think about it and I feel that it is true! And it doesn't only apply to embarrassing moments! For example, I have been trying to quit drinking and after so many attempts, I find that my recent attempt is the most successful one. Instead of telling myself to not think about drinking, I think about it and become aware of how I feel and notice the difference between how I feel and how I want to feel.

Becoming aware of yourself is magical. When you become aware of yourself, you are able to solve your problem more successfully. It's why some people like to tell others about their problems. As they talk about the things that happen, they become aware of the situation and they get things classified in their heads. They are thinking! And they'll most likely feel better after that. Well, depends on who you're speaking to... Lol.

So yeah, face your problems! Try to understand your own situation from a 3rd person view point! And if the problem is within, solve it within. Don't buy a bunch of potato chips and snack on them. It won't change anything!

Stay positive.

I know it's hard sometimes but complaining brings negativity into a situation. Even if you do it just for the sake of doing it (I know people who say things like, "Fuck my life." or "fml" and other stuff even though they don't really mean it) our brains respond to words even though we don't mean it! It even responds to words we don't see or hear consciously!! It's called subliminal messaging.

And it will only make you sadder.
So it's your choice!

I wanna be happy. :)

OH AND, if you like this video, I recommend you to watch this one too!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Every time I think of a new year, I think about a new beginning, a new start. I used to think that once the clock struck 12am on new year's eve, everything about last year would be erased but I was wrong. Life is a continuum, so whatever that was done in the past is done. Last year might be the best year of your life or it might be the worst, recognize how you feel about your previous year and set new resolutions to make it better. And always remember: "You can never solve a problem on the level which it was created" - Albert Einstein. In other words, the same actions will always lead to the same results. You can't solve a problem with the same actions that created it. So here are my new year resolutions and how I plan to archive them.

1. Talk less and listen more.
By this, I don't mean that I should just shut up and close all my ideas to myself, I just want to understand and think more before I speak. Last year, something in my drama class struck me. it was a poem about how people in well-developed countries are becoming more and more greedy, over populating, over consuming, and they all want to be heard but not to listen. The poem described this as "creating a clashing symphony of grunts and hisses that can even be heard in the dead of night." And I really think that not listening, not observing, and not caring is why we have so many misunderstandings, misjudgments, wrong assumptions etc. And as much as I don't want to be misjudged, misunderstood, and wrongly assumed, I shall do the same for others.

2. Playing the 'No game'.
In a book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, I've learn that people's actions can lead to 4 kinds of consequences:
- You lose, I win.
- You win, I lose.
- You lose, I lose.
- You win, I win.
And in the book they told us that the best way to do anything is to find a win-win solution. But sometimes it's hard to archive that, so I decided to learn to play the no game! This means that I would have to learn how to identify if a situation isn't win-win before I start 'playing'. If I realized that this game is not a win-win, I would stand aside and not participate in that dirty game. Of course, I can always try to make it a win-win, but my experiences with my mom has told be that, that's much harder than I think! So, sometimes no game is the right game.

3. Time-management.
It's time to remind myself, you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it. I have been struggling with this one for very long now. And this year, I am determined to overcome this one. I need to start writing stuff down.

4. Be able to do the human flag.
This is a human flag:
And that takes a lot of strength to do. So, by going through the training to be able to do this one, I will be able to archive a healthier me and an awesome pose! Lol, this is just for fun.

5. Let my music out.
I think if there was a recording studio in my heart, an abulm of songs would have been written. But there's none, so it's time to let my music out like how Girls Generation bring the boys out. LOL. Okay, that was cold.

So yeah, those are my resolutions! Hope that 2012 is a successful year!!